Undecided voter REJECTS Trump at town hall

Undecided voter REJECTS Trump at town hall

Wow: Undecided voter SHUTS DOWN Trump at town hall



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  1. No a day of love and what about our police and their families. I can't help but wonder if that man as he listens to Trumps obviously lies to his face if he bought into that bull.

  2. I think Kamala kind of waffled on that answer. She didn't really say "what she would do differently" which is what he asked her. That poor man likely doesn't know who to vote for now.
    She needs to learn to STOP RAMBLING and be far more direct with her answers and THEN elaborate IF necessary.

  3. Wow nobody had guns!!! I remember him telling security to let them in during that ralley "let them in its okay
    these are my people they're not going to hurt me" the very ones that went to the Capitol.

  4. I am sorry telling his effed up mob to head to the Capitol and fight like hell, was not peaceful. I am sorry about Ashley Babbitt. What about 140 injured law enforcement injured and deaths. Trump defunded those officers that day and since. He is a Fktard.

  5. I hate Hillary from when I was a Conservative and still. (There is probably lots of Fox News Propaganda that will take me a few more years to deprogram)
    What Trump did by bringing Secret Documents to his hotel… unprotected!… in a place where employees probably walk by all the time!!!… THAT WAS 50 TIMES WORSE THAN WHAT IT WAS CLAIMED HILLARY DID (mismanaging secret material). I was in the military and I had to be one of the people who had to learn a combonation, other people had to learn a different combination. This is called TPI (Two Person Integrity). Let it be no surprise to anyone that the documents at Mar-a-Lago are not being protected by ANY integrity what-so-ever!!!

  6. This entire Youtube channel is written by a democratic paid person, its main purpose is to falsify and spread hatred on petty topics, and have y'all even looked at the news, the BidenHarris administration is a fraud and she has done NOTHING as vp, further more i am on no ones side, i simply speak the truth, and i deem this channel a falsifying channel and everyone in the comments obviously incompetent, stupidly young, or blinded people.

    Yours officially Elon Musk.

  7. This gentleman asked questions that I think most people would want answered and Trump failed miserably.
    My husband and I delivered our ballots to the post office and we received notifications that they were received and counted ‼️🗳️💙🇺🇸😊

  8. He did better than any interview I’ve seen. Of course Trump lies. It’s not 90% well 90 maybe against him now. What lies. I’m so sick of the lying. Lie talking. When did that become ok? Since him. He gets a pass on lie after lie.

  9. Trump is a Traitor to America and if you support him you also are guilty of Treason. Trump is a Communist. Paid for with Putin money. This has all been orchestrated by Putin, using Trump and Traitors to do it. How's that? When Trump was going Bankrupt for the final time, due to no Bank anywhere in the World not loaning him money to stay afloat, who was it that stepped in to save him? People associated with the Russian Mob. Putin is the head of that Mob. The Communist Government of Russia IS, the Russian Mob. Putin got his Bank in Germany, (Deutshe Bank), to give Trump whatever he needed. This has gone on for decades. Trump suffers from lot of things but one of them is Illusions of Grandure. Putin has been fueling this Coup with Trump ever since the first Russian Mob dime hit his pockets. Trump keeps talking about suspending the Constitution, and having the DOJ go after whoever he doesn't like, and making all kinds of violent threats against half of America. I do not believe there is any room for violence in American Politics. That's what happens in so called Third World Countries, not in America, until Trump and Traitors refused to let the Peaceful Transfer of Power happen like it has since this Country was formed. Trump had his Mob of supporters to riot at the White House, based on a LIE, in an effort to STOP the Peaceful Transfer of Power. Trump LOST in 2020 people. Pull your heads out and face the facts. Trump is a Con Man, and you all have been duped by Trump. Trump stole Top-Secret papers when he left the White House. Who knows what he did with them. This has put America in a terrible Security situation. We don't know what he did with them, or why he took them, but it sure wasn't to just look at them. Trump is a Traitor. He hates everything about this Country. All he does is trash everything American. All of our Institutions, Our Rule of Law, Our Constitution. Says he will be a Dictator on day one. Well, I have a little some thing to say to Trump and all of you other Democracy Hating, would be Communist style Dictator Asskissers. All of you who want to destroy Our Democracy, and Our Constitution, I took an Oath to Preserve, Protect, and Defend, The Constitution of the United States from all Enemies. Foreign, and Domestic. I Honored that Oath here at Home, and Overseas, like so many before me has. Some even giving their very lives to Honor their Oath to Our Constitution. I will never waiver from my Oath to that Constitution. I see Our Constitution to be as close to a Godly Document ever written by Man. Second only to The Bible. America is God's Nation. He has made it to be the most powerful, kind, caring, and giving, Nation this World has ever known through the History of Man. God Manifested America to be a Free and Democratic Nation. He made America as a bright light on top of the hill to light the way for the whole World to see, and by God, that light will always shine bright in this World. All I can say to all of you that would trash Our Constitution, and change what God has made, I have just a couple of words for ya'll. "Come get some." We the People have been defeating Democracy hating would be Dictator asskissers like ya'll for over 248 years now. Trust me. We the People got this. I Love America. I love Our Constitution and all of the rights given to us in it. I Love Our Rule of Law. Trump is an Evil, Godless man. I would suggest that all you Trumpers turn away from your fake, phony, Golden Calf, and come back to God, before it is too late. Besides. God does not need any help making America Great. He has already done that.

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