Will you support Putin if he decides to use nuclear weapon?

Will you support Putin if he decides to use nuclear weapon?

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  1. I find it hard to believe that Russia is a Christian and Muslim country which should have given many of it's people some moral conscience and question the fact as to who gives any man, even your elected leader, the authority to destroy the earth and all its creation in a nuclear holocaust that which God created? Is that leader out of their f$%% mind to be responsible for the death of billions of innocent men, women and children and animals!

  2. I hope Russian Nukes are faulty and don’t fire! Maybe Mother Nature will save us from self destruction if we are lucky!

    Otherwise, A nuclear ☢️ exchange will destroy us all including the Animals and plant’s on Earth 🌎! People can’t survive underground. What will you eat? Mud? Each other maybe? How long would that nightmare last? You can’t grow any food underground and without Sunlight! We are Not Moles! Digging and living underground ! We can’t survive there! Stop deluding yourselves! 😮

  3. Great to see you can still get news out.
    So from the people asked…it is madness.
    What about the feelings of the not so educated folk?
    We all know on here, that the world would end as we know it if nikes were used on either side, as retaliation would commence.

  4. Seemingly these people do not understand that if Russian launches ICBMs then the reaction will be immediate, not waiting for them to land. Some folk are really stupid.

  5. I hope Russians sort out the Putin mess. I would love to visit Russia, but until they exit Putin we must all be enemies, so sad when we have so much in common.

  6. Hahaha like if Putin would ask the Russian people if he can or cannot use nuclear weapons 🙄. Just like he asked them to stay in power for more than 20 years 😂…

  7. I don’t think the Russian people understand how powerful they really can be if they come together. The Russian government has done a great job in suppressing dissent.

  8. I wonder, what 'educated' responses would be from 99% of russia outside of moscw, that has no toilets and roads. Those responses are always best entertainment.

  9. Extreme Patriotism is Russia's vodka, and Russia is an abysmal entity when it gets drunk. Stop drinking and become the rational nation that contributed to the world with space exploration, scientific breakthroughs, exquisite art and so much more. Get rid of that alcohol pusher called Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin once and for all.

  10. Seems the younger generation in Russia don't really want any of this. It's the old guard that wants a return to what was once the USSR. Sad that the world is coming into many more wars, insurgencies, civil wars, and misunderstandings. The world should be much better in the 21st century.

  11. As usual … the ignorant yet arrogant Russians say: "We won't strike first" But again and again they rather believe the lies of the Kremlin, then to swallow their unfounded pride on a great nation that never existed in the first place with oppression, discrimination, corruption and propaganda twisting historical truths. "We will not be the first to attack" and yet, it was Russia that destroyed Chechnia after FSB blew up several buildings in Moscow and blamed it on Chechnian seperatists. It was Russia that under false pretentions and lies invaded Abchazia, South Ossetia after Georgia requested EU and NATO membership (a free choice of any nation that feels threatened by a big bully neighbour). The bloody Kremlin could also have invested in good relations with it's neighbours, but no, Russia's culture is the one to hold onto prehistoric mindset of "he who has the biggest club, should be the boss". It was Russia that weaponised a small minority in Donbass to start havoc and it was Russia that illegally occupied Crimea after a century of deportations of indigenous populations there and in many other parts of former USSR. It was Russia that shot down MH17 and it was Russia and it is Russia that again and again destroys more in Ukraine. Drops bombs on hospitals and civilians. Even in history, that propaganda twisted, it was Russia that TOGETHER WITH Nazi-Germany started the second world war by invading Poland (the Molotov-von Ribbentropp pact made it possible for Hitler to attack the West, by the blessing of Stalin so don't complain that later the devil that Russians pacted with turned against them, they asked for that themselves and without Western support from the British empire Moscow, Stalingrad and Leningrad would have been conquered).
    So … people that say "we won't strike first" should first learn the truth of themselves and what they believe. The lies of leaders that again and again in Russia turn out to be the most sickening corrupted figures in human history or the real history of how it is possible that Russia again and again delivers those cruel dictators … if the Moscow war criminals will detonate some of their own nukes on a insignificant town blaming the West to have done it … dumb Russians like sheep will say "yes" to using nuclear weapons and the end of the world is there. Thanks to the great Russian culture and nation … … …

  12. Почитав комментарии очередной раз убеждаюсь что необходимо превратить коллективный запад в ядерный пепел! Другого варианта просто нет! Они не успокоятся пока не уничтожат Россию!
    " А зачем нам этот мир, если там не будет России "

  13. I would like to hear an answer to the question "Do you think Putin knew Sweden and Finland would join NATO if he invaded Ukraine to prevent NATO expansion?"
    Also, "Doesn't this reaction seem obvious?"

  14. I don't have much left for the common Russian.

    They are, in general, just as crazy as Putin.

    It also means that we have no alternative but to support Ukraine all the way.

    If Russia wants to use A weapons, then that is their choice.

    I will not be terrorized by their threats to use those weapons.

    Then it has to go as it goes.

  15. Imagine Ukraine smuggled few nuclear weapons in Moscow and saint Petersburg. Then, if Trump and NATO abandon Ukraine, they tell Putin: you have one hour to get out or your cities disappear. Remember Ukraine is fighting for its survival, Putin is fighting for his ego. Of course, this is done in secret conversations so Putin saves his ugly face.

  16. The worst part is almost that when they think they can take the West by surprise with A-weapons, they also think they have to do it.

    So the only reason they haven't done it yet is that they don't think they can catch the West off guard.

    We probably shouldn't skimp on our military spending, with that attitude among the Russian population.

    Those Russians are crazy.

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