MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on a very sickly and incoherent Donald Trump in panic mode on Friday as VP Harris outmaneuvers him.

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  1. Who is the black guy who has the audacity to laugh at the orange man’s statements degrading K Harris?? He should be ashamed of himself. His laughter is very telling about how he feels toward the females in his family. SMDH.

  2. Put TRUMP away for good already. VOTE BLUE 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 for your country and family and grandkids VOTE BLUE 🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵

  3. Who helps Trump write his jokes? No one. The man is naturally a clown and a fool. He’s better suited to be a court jester. Now, here’s the better question. Who helps his wife write her speeches? Michelle Obama. You’re welcome.

  4. The rise of populism and the election of Donald Trump in 2016 were influenced by various factors, including the reaction to what some viewed as a left-leaning cultural shift. One argument is that certain elements on the left drove “low-information” or disengaged voters toward populism by focusing heavily on gender and cultural issues in ways that alienated parts of the electorate. Here's a breakdown of that argument:

    ### 1. *Cultural Alienation*
    The left in America, particularly in the 2010s, increasingly embraced progressive stances on gender, race, and identity politics. Issues such as LGBTQ+ rights, transgender identity, and a focus on dismantling systemic racism became central to political discourse. For many more conservative or moderate voters, this cultural shift felt like a top-down imposition of new values that conflicted with traditional views. Some felt alienated, viewing the left as dismissing or attacking their way of life, religious beliefs, or sense of national identity.

    ### 2. *Political Correctness and Free Speech*
    Many people perceived that the left had become overly focused on enforcing political correctness. From speech codes in universities to social media activism, the perception arose that there was a cultural “policing” of speech, often regarding sensitive issues such as gender identity, race, and immigration. For voters who were uncomfortable or unfamiliar with rapidly changing norms around these issues, this created resentment. Figures like Trump capitalized on this by presenting themselves as opponents of political correctness, reinforcing their appeal as defenders of "free speech" and traditional values.

    ### 3. *Focus on Marginal Issues*
    Some critics of the left argue that they prioritized identity politics over economic issues that resonated more with working-class voters, many of whom had historically supported Democrats. For example, emphasizing gender-neutral bathrooms or microaggressions might have seemed like distractions from bread-and-butter issues like job loss, stagnant wages, or healthcare. As a result, this created a perception that the left was out of touch with the struggles of ordinary Americans.

    ### 4. *Weaponization by Conservative Media*
    Conservative media outlets, especially Fox News, and right-wing talk radio played a major role in amplifying these cultural conflicts. They focused intensely on issues like gender pronouns, critical race theory, and other aspects of the culture war, often portraying the left’s positions as radical or threatening. This portrayal stoked fears among more traditionally minded or disengaged voters, who felt their way of life was under siege. Trump tapped into these fears, positioning himself as a defender of “ordinary Americans” against the perceived excesses of the cultural left.

    ### 5. *Populism and Anti-Elite Sentiment*
    Trump successfully harnessed populism by positioning himself as an outsider fighting against the elites in Washington and in media, often lumping in the cultural and academic left with those elites. This anti-elite sentiment was partly a reaction to the perception that political correctness and cultural changes were being imposed from above, rather than evolving organically within society. Trump’s rhetoric resonated with voters who felt marginalized or overlooked in the new cultural paradigm.

    ### 6. *Economic Anxiety Merged with Cultural Issues*
    While some low-information voters were driven by cultural concerns, it’s important to note that these anxieties were also often tied to economic insecurity. Voters in rural areas or industrial regions who had experienced job losses or economic stagnation felt abandoned by both political parties. Trump’s populist messaging combined both economic promises (like bringing jobs back and renegotiating trade deals) with cultural appeals (such as restoring traditional values). The left’s focus on identity politics, in this view, contributed to a narrative that they had lost touch with these voters' primary concerns.

    ### Conclusion
    The argument that the left drove low-information voters toward populism and Trump suggests that an overemphasis on cultural and gender issues, combined with the perception of elitism and disregard for traditional values, alienated parts of the electorate. Trump exploited this cultural backlash, offering himself as the champion of those who felt left behind or attacked by these changes. It’s a complex issue, but the intersection of cultural alienation, economic anxiety, and populist rhetoric played a significant role in this political shift.

  5. I love the clip of the Fabulous Furry Freek Brother’s (remember them?) rant on Trump! Very entertaining, and I hope he has a robust audience of persuadable voters. Thanks for all you do, Meidas Touch~

  6. Does Trump really believe that he was "a kid" when Reagan was president?? I was under ten… when I saw Reagan say "Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall" and Donald Trump looked like an 'old guy'… at that time!! Now, Trump is ACTUALLY in his 'grandpa' phase, he looks and sounds like he should be in aged care or some assisted living facility. How can ANYONE seriously consider Trump okay to run America?? C'mon now!

  7. Stable people would never say that about themselves. Trump’s particular brand of sociopathic ego tells him that if he could just talk to the American people he can make them like him. Or convince them to vote for him. And each and every time he makes things way worse.

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