Update from Ukraine | Confirmed! North Korean Soldiers will be send to Ukraine. One way ticket

Update from Ukraine | Confirmed! North Korean Soldiers will be send to Ukraine. One way ticket

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My name is Denys, and I am Boeing 737 Captain. Before I used to fly ATR 42/72.
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  1. Bild newspaper is tabloid, we call it „blöd“ Zeitung, stupid News…..there only mission is to destroy chancellor Scholz, like Maga morons in USA, what ever it kost…they lie and cut it short to create a spin…

  2. Russian bombing with Fabs before sending troops for clean the area, and later on in the news, Russia gained land by using human waves after taking another town, city, or village 😂😂😅. Ho Denis Denis, you mislead us without we realise it.

  3. "Nichts wird meine Meinung ändern!" – Was haben wir da für einen unbeweglichen Kanzler bekommen für den die Dynamik in der Politik fremd ist. Ich denke manchmal, er hat Anfangssymptome der Parkinson-Krankheit.

  4. The Russians are being reinforced with 10,000 Korean soldiers, while on the other hand, over 60,000 Ukrainians have deserted in the last 6 months. Violent mobilization does not stop. More and more young people are fleeing Ukraine.

  5. If I was a national leader from the western, democratic world, I wouldn't talk about escalation. If I was asked by a journalist about it I would say that it's a word and as such it's not very interesting.
    If asked: "Are you afraid 😱 of escalation, I would say "No."

  6. XVII) 65-68 (I-I8)
    Travel abroad is closed for men of military age 18-60 years. The borders are heavily patrolled by border guards with dogs and policemen, all of whom are instructed to open fire to kill. Numerous combat drones are flying along the borders to stop the violator, who does not want to see his future life in Ukraine, fleeing from the low social standard of living that has become the norm for our state, and the new anti-human laws being adopted. In October 2024, the state mailed 900,000 subpoenas. The authorities want men to update their data at military enlistment offices every few months and have someone to choose from to send to war. Employees of military enlistment offices remove deferral from fathers with many children, men caring for disabled relatives, the list of professions unsuitable for booking is expanding. Even if the company pays a monthly fee of 20,000 hryvnia for the release of selected employees from mobilization, they still risk being sent to the front after visiting the military enlistment office. Many men are caught on the streets and roads and forcibly taken to military enlistment offices for forced mobilization. Violating the laws, summonses are distributed to random passers-by on the street, the main thing is to take away their passport in order to issue the summons correctly. Military enlistment office and police officers check the military registration documents of men on the streets, roads and enterprises, if they did not update their data in time or they do not have documents with them, they will be fined, summoned by a summons to the military enlistment office or forcibly taken there. At first, all men were ordered to update the data under threat of heavy fines until July 17, 2024, and from October, almost everyone about whom there is information in the database will be sent a summons for military service, while by law the summons is considered valid even without its delivery. Realizing the risk of criminal liability, accident or execution when trying to leave the country, people are fleeing from the war and an unhappy life in Ukraine. The number of organizations and officials providing illegal border crossing services is growing, prices can reach tens of thousands of dollars. The cheapest way is the services of a guide who will lead you to the border area, the group members make further travel on their own at their own risk. For processing illegal exit documents, fictitious disability of the 2nd group or concealed transportation when you are hiding in transport, or for crossing corrupt checkpoints – the amount of payment for the service may exceed $ 10,000. Few people have that kind of money, for that amount you can buy a nice apartment in a small town. In cities close to the place of hostilities, employees of the territorial recruitment center do not hesitate to organize mass raids on men. They catch and take hundreds of men with them, they are caught in the streets, basements and bomb shelters or break into any suspicious apartment without asking permission and breaking down the doors. Often, employees of military enlistment offices hide in an ambulance so as not to arouse suspicion, and wait for the right moment to grab a crowd of confused men. All of them will be sent to war illegally, against their will. The authorities can informally pay several thousand dollars for sending one person to war. At the end of the 24th year, $1,000 exceeds 40,000 hryvnia or seven minimum wages (net). In order for volunteers to take men from war-torn cities to a safe zone, at numerous checkpoints, the military will have to pay more than one thousand hryvnia for refusing to search, document verification and possible delivery of men to the military enlistment office or the police. Therefore, evacuation from the city is not affordable for everyone. Crowds of displaced people, after volunteers dropped them off in a safe city, return to the war zone, because affordable housing is already overpopulated with refugees, and the state does not care about opening new temporary shelters and dormitories for living. The more refugees arrive in the city, the more expensive it becomes to rent apartments. Unemployment and salaries, which can cover only part of the rent for housing, turn internally displaced persons into homeless people. The population remaining in their city understands that they have made a mistake, a lot of heavy equipment is being imported to cities located near the front line, tanks are driving along the roads and shooting from behind the corners of multi-storey buildings, cannon launchers are firing under the windows so that windows fly out in houses. The city turns into a fortress leading artillery duels, which can be taken only after the complete destruction of multi-storey buildings where firing points are located: soldiers, snipers, spotters and gunners. All those who remained in cities close to their capture by the enemy are perceived by soldiers from Western Ukraine as "waiting for the Russian world", civilians are beaten, shot and robbed. The state pays internally displaced persons only 12,000 hryvnia ($300) for six months, there is no money for more. Every month, children, the disabled and pensioners continue to receive 2,000 hryvnia ($50), but these payments can also be canceled. Unlike Russia, there is no money in the country to compensate for apartments and property, for most this is another reason to move to the Russian Federation. In addition, most of the relatives from the east of Ukraine live in Russia. To prevent attempts by families to migrate en masse to Russia, where the standard of living is 4 times higher, the authorities conduct searches in all residential apartments in cities covered by military operations and forcibly take minor children from parents who do not want to leave the city. If they do not return to the depths of Ukraine in time for their child, there is a risk that the teenager will fall into labor or sexual slavery abroad, he may be cut up for sale for organs, after the outbreak of war, this is gaining momentum in our country. The state imposes debts for gas (and other utilities) on refugees from destroyed cities who have lost their documents, often debts are accrued immediately over the past few years, taking advantage of the fact that they cannot prove that everything was paid. There is also a separate tariff for the transit of electricity and gas in our country, it is valid even in cases when they are not supplied. Under Yanukovych, Ukraine was friends with Russia, we had cheap energy resources and utilities, there was no payment for transit, now one salary may not be enough for gasoline and household payments, not to mention medicines and food. Despite the incitement of hatred towards everything that has Russian roots, most residents of Russian-speaking cities in eastern Ukraine continue to dream of becoming part of the Russian Federation. Unlike the impoverished population, the capital of thieving deputies and officials in wartime is growing at a record pace. The corrupt Ukrainian authorities want to continue the destructive bloody war and ways to benefit from it at the cost of losing new territories, while for residents of Russian-speaking regions peace and untouched life are more important than integration into a neighboring state. The American Democratic Party wants to have a long-term conflict in the east, gradually weakening Russia and pulling the strings of its puppet Ukrainian government, while stuffing it with money. No matter what large-scale series of strikes our state tries to inflict on the territory of Russia, Ukraine receives many times more damage in response. Unlike the enemy, the country is exhausted and has become bankrupt, the front is falling apart. Due to the shortage of weapons and supplies supplied to Ukraine, generals often send soldiers to hold the defense "with their bare hands." In half of the cases, the top leadership gives the order not to take the dead and wounded from the place of hostilities. At the insistence of America, linguistic discrimination is supported at the state level, which is popular in Western Ukraine in relation to Russian speakers (linguicism), and this despite the predominance of the Russian-speaking population. Russian-speaking Ukrainians are tired of opening Ukrainian Internet resources and hearing all sorts of nasty things about themselves, prohibitions and reproaches for Russian songs and language, but the most unpleasant thing is large monetary fines and the creation of a police language inspection. Children of internally displaced persons studying in schools in Western Ukraine are beaten by classmates and called descendants of Putin. For ten years now, Ukraine has been shelling the uncontrolled lands of the once Ukrainian east with impunity, hiding behind the protection of the West. If not for American funding, Ukraine allowed Donbas and Crimea to secede from Ukraine and agreed to peace with the 2014 border line and the non-aligned status repeatedly proposed by the Kremlin, which would have saved several hundred thousand lives. Thank God, after several years of direct conflict on the territory of Ukraine with Russia, more and more world leaders consider financing the war prohibitively expensive and are inclined to end the conflict through negotiations. World leaders hoped that after the imposition of sanctions, Russia's economy would collapse, but it is only growing thanks to rising oil and gas prices, as well as the BRICS trading system. If you ask a Western Ukrainian if he agrees to use someone else's hands to try to achieve victory and the return of all lands at the cost of the lives of 10 million eastern Ukrainians and the complete destruction of all infrastructure and cities in the east, he will answer in the affirmative without hesitation. It is sad that Zelensky has a similar ideology. But the scariest thing is how far Ukraine's main patrons are willing to go.

  7. Denys, Russia is fighting much more enemies than Ukraine. Ukraine has collective west support. weapons and even some instructors. It is time to stop this stupid war. Too many deaths for territories which can't be returned.

  8. Hitler used the German speaking minorities in Czechoslovakia and eslewhere as a pawn to escalate and as a pretext for Poland and Hungary to follow up to repatriate their ethnic minorities lost after the partitions of the Austro-Hungarian, German and Ottoman empire by the Brits, French after WWI. France and the British gave in to Hitler's demands and signed the 1938 Munich Agreement which was the approval of an escalation which ended in the beginning of WWI one year later. Putler is using the same playbook of escalation Hitler used in the 30s.

  9. “Russians are advancing, but at cost of their menpower” even though Russia had like 1 (one) mobilization wave, where as Ukraine is on its twelvth or thirteenth? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  10. NK troops will be a formidable enemy. They will almost certainly have been told if they surrender then their family will be imprisoned or shot. NK uses that approach as part of their judicial system. And a solder who has dealt with s**t all his life can take a lot more than someone who has led a life of luxury. Bottom line. The NK troops will be more capable than the Russians.

  11. So if the current American administration is allowing the slaughter of Ukraine troops and citizens what is the reason? Is The USA and NATO doing the best it can do? I’m am loosing trust. The leadership is weak and divided. It seems they all only worry about covering their own asses. I’m have been ashamed to be a citizen of the USA corporate and special interests run country. People don’t matter when it comes to power and profits. These top down power gangs trying to run everything in their own best interest will be the end of the free world. Thank you for your pod cast. The world needs the truth. Thank you again.

  12. I agree with Lavrov that Ukraine should not be used by the west to create direct threats to the Russian Federation. If I were Joe Biden I would say — and sincerely mean — the same thing. But unlike Biden, I would give Ukraine everything they ask for. Because Ukraine is a sovereign country, it's impossible to use them. If they were being used, then they would have no sovereignty. But that is not the case. Russia can sleep well.

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