Ed Miliband clashes with Richard Tice on ‘obsession’ with renewable energy

Ed Miliband clashes with Richard Tice on ‘obsession’ with renewable energy

A Reform UK MP has accused Ed Miliband of being “obsessed” with renewable energy, after the Government announced nine new offshore wind farms.

The farms are part of a new wave of green power projects including onshore wind and solar farms, which officials said will generate enough power for 11 million homes.

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  1. Richard Tice is such a moron. The world is going renewable. It’s like trying to hold back the tide. As Milliband said here all oil drilled in the North Sea is done by multinationals and immediately sold on the international market anyway. We know what it does to the world’s climate and the pollution it causes in terms of air quality. Some people must like being at the whims of the likes of Russians and Saudis and what they decide to do with production from one week to the next. Resistance to renewable energy is just bizarre really and had somehow fallen into some kind of culture war like vaccines etc. that shouldn’t be anything to do with it.

  2. He must stop this insane quest before he destroys the uk he stutters and is unconvincing he is a liability to this country when no other country is joining in WAKE UP YOU TWERP

  3. Let's see if Miliband still has a job in the new year?. I pray for all the elderly out there that we don't have a long, hard winter, as many will die due to not being able to afford the cost of energy. This is going to be catastrophic, I'm afraid.

  4. scotish power charges £75 per day standing charge plus £31 per unitkwh. thats about £7 for a cup of tea hot water, £15 to cook an ommlett, the ceo kieth anderson of scotish power pays himself £1.15 million per year, it's not an energy problem it's a greed/mafia extortion problem!

  5. Ed is complete moron if he thinks any of this renewable 😂 energy is actually viable … What a total plonker .. Anyway crack on mate we've stopped listening and I don't think you have the money to do anything anyway … All bs

  6. This imbecile is as thick as two short planks, his father and mother were an out and out Trotskyite communists who agreed with Stalins bureaucratic collectivism system in which around 8 million people were starved to death, all this from a man who owned 2 houses in Primrose Hill London and a Mansion in Oxfordshire.
    These properties are still owned by milliband and today they are worth over 14 million pounds, and Red Ed never paid a single penny in inheritance tax.

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