The END Of The US Dollar 🤯 #shorts

The END Of The US Dollar 🤯 #shorts

  1. Yup! Ppl don’t realize hyperinflation already took place and now it’s about to get super hyperinflation they removed the gold standard from the dollar they print it out of think air and Kennedy was going to do away with and they snipped him for it and they took out the completion when they sunk titanic sister with insurance fraud claimed it was the titanic because it wasn’t selling as they thought it would and killed all other bankers who stood in their way

  2. Who was on the Titanic and tragically died? Oh yea that’s too deep once you understand who was who on the maiden voyage and who died, it will begin to make sense it’s all in the HIStory and Yahweh is in control

  3. …in addition to that, the U.S. Dollar was taken off the gold standard in 1933 by FDR, and Nixon prohibited the ability to convert your dollars to gold. Gold, by the way, has doubled in value over the past year

  4. Federal reserve was created in 1913 it was during Christmas A real US dollar does not say Federal reserve John F Kennedy tried to pass a bill where they would start printing real US dollar bills, he went to dallas and never returned.

  5. Federal reserve cartel. This money belongs to them and they are👁️. Tougher times ahead don't be scared be prepared in Yahuah by way of our Messiah Yahusha HaMashiach 🙌🏾

  6. Not any news to those of us who been warning others for decades. The American public has been warned since 1913. Several Americans tried to stop the illegal Jekyll island meeting of 1913. Several died prior to the meeting in 1912 on the titanic. While henchmen and proponents of the federal reserve canceled their trip on the titanic days before the trip. Dwight Eisenhower warned against the military industrial complex. JFK against secret societies. We’ve been warned and still… the Word is our one and only hope. The Father will be sending the Son.. repent and pray.

  7. This is why I'm buying the more expensive stuff now so I have it before it costs 10x-100x as much and I have to use everything I have for basic food and shelter. My parents think I'm crazy for not saving everything for the future, but they grew up in a different world and economy than we do now. They hear what I say about the dollar crashing into the ground, but it isn't registering in their head what that actually means.

  8. Marc-
    A 1996 nsa written paper from MIT [google 1996 MIT nsa crypto paper] explains how bitcoin could be made [crypto, how it works]. That was obviously a test run to see the economics of how it would work to fix the bugs/issues with it and figure out how to track it before they released the official gov-backed replacement for the dollar in crypto [CBDC].

    Its coming soon, theyre crashing the dollar on purpose for decades to make a need for a CBDC, accelerating more recently.

  9. Pay attention, do something, get out of the city, got out the suburbs, remember you can't eat concrete, fruit and nuts grow on trees , look to the wild life , fish aren't in the sewers of the city. Pay attention , read your bible

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