Rejoin EU Sunday Message: Labours Brexit

Rejoin EU Sunday Message: Labours Brexit

Rejoin EU Sunday Message: Labours Brexit

Our goal is for the U.K. to return to the EU.

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  1. I read a repot that estimates we would now be paying £22 billion a year membership fees, and that's every year and rising. We have had an expensive but very lucky escape. The EU is in terminal decline, not my words but Macrons and Mario Draghi said it and they should know.

  2. Starmer starts to disappoint.

    He trades Mrs May-like platitudes and tries the Boris' cherry picking-approach… Starmer will be the one holding the bag with the smelly content…

  3. Encouraging. Keep up the excellent work. The public seems to be way ahead still of all the main political parties. But then they see, day-to-day, the difficulties of doing business and travelling. Politicians, in contrast, seem to be getting worse at diving down irrelevant rabbit holes like the ECHR, which is of concern to hardly any real people. It would be useful to have a few key statistics to hand, such as the impact on inflation when the pound collapsed by 16% after the referendum, or the reduction in tourism from Europe since Brexit, the impact overall on the economy due to Brexit etc etc

  4. How sad. Even the leader of the Rejoin EU party uses the words "Europe" and "EU" interchangeably. It seem even he is not sure whether or not the Isle of Great Britain is in Europe. It seems even he believes the Brits have the choice whether or not to be European.

  5. Kier Starmer says he's not interested in the EU as a movement binded by the four freedoms. He just wants some free movement and economic advantages because they are so special and exceptional.

  6. I think that the rejoining discussion is useless until the voters act
    pro EU….. If the majority of voters would like to rejoin the EU they shouldn't have voted for Labour, Tories and Reform. But they did which means that they are not pro EU…. Beside this the political parties except Reform are not interested to change the voting system because if they would Labour wouldn't have this majority. Last but not least the real leaders of the UK the rich, super rich and the Media are not interested in being controlled by a democratic elected institution… That's the main reason why they left the EU….
    Summary: vote for the party who wants very clearly to join the EU.
    If this party has a majority you can talk about joining the EU…. I guess this will not happen within the next 20 years…

  7. Brexit is irreversible – thankfully. Rejoining isn't an option; it's pie-in-the-sky. There isn't anything like the level of support for the European Project that the EU would demand before they would entertain a UK accession application and then there would be huge hurdles. You need to get real, respect the referendum result in 2016, and embrace Brexit. As Starmer says, our future lies outside the European Union.

  8. 1.

    So much is broken in the UK.

    – In politics,

    – in the media,

    – in the school system

    – in the economic system

    The UK cannot return to the EU in its current condition.

    Nobody in a “club” accepts a prospective member who agitates against the club.

    A second membership would be like the EU injecting itself with HIV.


    The way back for the UK is possible and looks like this:


    The UK must have become a modern democracy. Now it is a musty Charles Dickens country with views from 200 years ago.


    The EU will not accept a country that does not have a written constitution. Where a party with 1/3 of the votes can have an absolute majority in government.


    The EU will no longer accept any country where a referendum concerning the EU can be held without a quorum.


    Experience has shown that the EU will no longer accept any country where the candidate country is only interested in gaining an economic advantage from membership. But otherwise to work and agitate against everything that goes beyond that.


    If the UK fulfills this (and a bit more), it can submit an application that has the prospect of being considered by the EU.


    After that: the UK has to fulfill the Copenhagen criteria.


    As party leader, I would start by making the point in paragraph 3 to my main campaign.

  9. There is no real appetite in the UK to join the EU I watch various Utube channels and I have noticed pro European channels are not gaining large viewing numbers like the rejoin party save British farming etc the reason I think is the British people are fed up with Brexit and they just want to geton with their lives . Things like the 90 day rule dont affect the vast majority of people.
    Sorry Brendan I think Britain is out of the EU for good and the Government and people have to make it work.

  10. If the public shows a strong desire to join the EU then Labour will pivot to a pro-EU stance in their next manifesto. Persuade the people and the Labour party will trot along, a step or two behind. Starmer, wisely imho, does not want the grief of the media accusing him of reneging on the last manifesto as that would poison the government and its stated programme.

  11. You express my views very closely. Thank you for that video.
    Labour has always been pro-Brexit – support at each formal stage, no expressed opposition, still pro-Brexit in government.
    Labour does not seem to understand that Labour's lack of criticism of Brexit is the best possible support Brexit could have.
    The public hears only the uncontested Brexiteer and media views of Brexit and thinks those views must be correct.
    Europe thinks Labour want to get more concessions by beeing more polite about Brexit than the cons were.
    I think it is not going to wash! Europe watches Labours actions at home. It can see that Labour is pro-Brexit.
    Labour should finish implementing the TCA etc in good faith while talking about reality and helping the population get a balanced view of Brexit.

  12. There was a lot of that "You can trust Starmer on Brexit – he's lying" before the election. When I suggested that, no, when he rails against the EU in the Sun, when he promises eternal perpetuity of a hard and ignorant Brexit he is showing his true colours, Labour supporters were furious.
    Well, those opposition days are over. Now they're embracing Brexit while in power, doubling down on its lies.
    The tories may have been the ones who set fire to the building we are inside. Starmer is the one who is blocking up the fire exits.

  13. Will start in vet Trust back for EU not just take UK back are a Third Country to EU are about You hurt EU and all mess done when latest years as EU member are Work only was about Split EU up nothing else and should start think about get Trust back for never vet in to even Singular market as it is today

  14. If you want to speed up the rejoin process I think, as unpalatable as it may be, you need an anti Farage. An amazing public speaker and salesman who can make the and really attack key weak points in the Brexit argument take the fight to them. I would suggest undermining their argument that this was about soverignty and freedom. I would push back with actual evidence of this being a deliberate attack on the protections the country enjoyed under the EU umbrella. I'd hammer home how all of this has been conceved by, bought and paid for by so called think tanks in Tuften Street, really hammer home that these were the masterminds of brexit and hide in the shadows put pull political strings and how this was actually a sophisticated attack like with a pack of Hyenas who pull cattle out of the herd to separate them so they can rulip them apart. Then link that to the bonfire of red tape and Liz Truss and what her budget was actually about…..really hammer home this is about shadowy money…..go to universities to speak, public events and engage with the public the same way UKIP did back in the day……but 1st of all get a bullish and charismatic speaker who knows the brief inside out and back to front, who is a brilliant debater and can tie up people.lile IEA spokespersons in knotts

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