Ukraine and Russia swap prisoners of war in deal brokered by UAE

Ukraine and Russia swap prisoners of war in deal brokered by UAE

95 Ukrainian prisoners of war have been returned home – with the same number of Russians exchanged in a deal brokered by the United Arab Emirates. (Subscribe:

Overnight, Russia launched more than a hundred missiles and drones across Ukraine – leaving four people dead and causing power blackouts in three regions.

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  1. you never get any truth from the evul lying animuls at channel 4 …

    all elections in Ukraine are banned – all political opposition have been arrested are tortured to death – all private property is being confiscated and given to jews

  2. Ukraine is losing, Russia is winning. Russia will, rightly, win. Peace talks now. Blame NATO, EU, US and UK for this ridiculous war and all the death and destruction. It needn't have happened, greedy NATO expansion.

  3. The Americans are Von Der Leyens and West Ukrainians biggest threat when they do the same as the Russians in Novo Rossiya by agreement with Russia and BRICS and US air force base and a act as a bridgehead from the East against Eastern Europe if necessary and and Americans will maintain their backstop that Ukraine and Moldova cannot lose control of their borders , money . laws and trade policy to EU without two USA trade agreements with EU and GB rejected by EU in 2016 and the British and EU excluded the US and Commonwealth from UK and GB trade agreements in 2019 with the protocol and EU border within the UK

    The Americans will know who their friends were in Ukraine and European Union and even within NATO.

    When the Americans are forced into a temporary occupation of West Ukraine they will have Federal Government , and Good Friday agreement reforms that the EU and Ukrainians should of agreed in 2014 for the Russian minority and had the opportunity every year since and Ukraine would not of been partitioned today excluding Crimea that is part of the Russian Federation. and Four oblasts is permanently part of the Russian Federation with special rights for the Jews and other minority groups similar to Catherine the Greats Pale of Settlement in the 18 century.

  4. The West sacrifice Ukraine, a whole generation for Western hegemony. The West invaded Ukraine with Western ideaology and propaganda to turn the State West. Russia tried to head off this with its own manipulation and lost hence military invasion. Ukraine neutrality had guaranteed its statehood and independence. It was the west that destroyed Ukraie. These Chess games are nothing new it is been happening for 100s of years.

  5. publish data on Ukrainian losses during the current conflict on January 14, 2023:
    Gen Mark Milley say ukriane lost two hundred thousand soldiers dead
    – 234,000 injured
    – 27,230 in captivity,
    – 934 dead NATO instructors (USA and Great Britain),
    – 32,458 dead NATO servicemen (Germany, Poland, Lithuania, etc.)
    – 15,360 dead mercenaries.
    A message to the future generations never make russia feel threatened
    the difference between "looking dangerous" and "being dangerous".Russia
    describes military doctrine as defensive military doctrine. With regard
    to nuclear weapons specifically, Russia reserves the right to use
    nuclear weapons: in response to the use of nuclear and other types of
    weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies,in case of
    aggression against Russia with the use of conventional weapons when the
    very existence of the state is threatened
    How do Russian nuclear weapons compare to the rest of the world?
    Russia – 6,257
    America 5,550
    UK – 225
    France – 290
    China – 350
    Israel – 90
    Pakistan – 165
    India – 156
    North Korea – 40

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