North Korean Soldiers In Russian Uniforms Said to Be Fighting in Ukraine

North Korean Soldiers In Russian Uniforms Said to Be Fighting in Ukraine

North Korean Soldiers Said to Be Fighting in Ukraine While Wearing Russian Uniforms #ukraine #war #news

What we see here is the first alleged footage of North Korean soldiers fighting for Russia against Ukraine, while wearing Russian Armed Forces uniforms.

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  1. Just because Russia got another country to send their own men to fight in Russias war doesn’t mean they’re losing, any country at war would be open to letting another country send their own troops, it’s not different than how Ukraine uses the foreign legion.

  2. "largest military in the world" aounds scary. But when you figure out "soldiers" in name only make up the vast majority of jobs in NK. They are forced to forage and farm there own food. They do every menial and labir job in the country. Like directing traffic physically. Street sweeping by hand. Many are in very poor hewlth and have ahoes that sont even fit. The US & EU ahould be possed off ablut thsi and respond. Just dont clutch your pearls. This is designed to make US voters scared before election to push the isolationist's. Remeber everything with russia and NK is lies and paper tigers.

  3. The best food and gear they have ever had. Looks like they are not used to the weight of the rucks and gear. Also I bet after the experience gets sent back up the chain to the norks they will not be sending more troops.

  4. 12000 soldados norcoreanos, segun algunas fuentes. solo infanteria por ahora, es decir carne de cañon o para operaciones de reconocimiento, tambien se hablan de algunas unidades con entrenamiento en fuerzas especiales. 12,000 North Korean soldiers, according to some sources. Only infantry for now, i.e. cannon fodder or for reconnaissance operations, there is also talk of some units with special forces training.

  5. We did almost the same thing in Vietnam with ROK soldiers and Marines, and they were phenomenal fighters. Terrified the VC, but weren't real big on, um…civil rights.

  6. So third country such as North Korea can send their troops to help Russian invasion of Ukraine but Ukraine can not attack military targets on Russian territory to avoid escalation? What kind of sick warped logics is this?!

  7. So third country such as North Korea can send their troops to help Russian invasion of Ukraine but Ukraine can not attack military targets on Russian territory to avoid escalation? What kind of sick warped logics is this?!

  8. Если американцам, полякам, грузинам, колумбицам(!) можно воевать на Украине, то корейцы чем хуже? Мы тут в России против расизма)

  9. Nothing unusual, volunteers from different countries are fighting on both sides, even a Japanese fought on the Russian side, there are also Nepalese, Turks, Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Americans, Englishmen, etc.

  10. Sigh.
    So in the first bit of footage, the camera is too far back to tell what country those soldiers are from. In the second bit of footage NK media already said that it was a North Korean training drill IN NORTH KOREA in response to South Korean threats against them. Which is believable considering that ALL of the soldiers shown in the footage are Asian. Even the ones who are assigning the equipment. There doesn't seem to be any credible evidence that North Korea has sent soldiers into Russia. Although they should considering that MANY thousands of young former U.S and British soldiers are fighting for Ukraine.

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