Eight dead as boat full of migrants hits rocks off coast of France

Eight dead as boat full of migrants hits rocks off coast of France

Yesterday some 801 migrants crossed the English Channel – that’s the second highest daily total this year, according to Home Office figures.

Crammed into just 14 boats, they were the lucky ones who made it here alive. For one boat there was tragedy when it hit rocks just off the French coast, eight of those on board were drowned, six others were taken to hospital – including a baby with hypothermia.

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  1. Immigration policy is not working if all these people are dying. Why can't they be chauffeured across in Rolls Royce's before being dropped off at their 5 star hotels. I don't understand.

  2. Sign a bill with Albania? Is that not the same Rwanda bill? Common, its very simple, have boat ready and take them back as they arrive!!! There will be millions of coming if they know they are accepted. I am not British but this is simple

  3. I hope you all realise that Labour will "stop the boats" by opening the door via "safe legal routes". The crossing numbers will reduce, and Labour will push this, but they won't show you the overall numbers of entrants / approvals. When people get angry that the numbers aren't coming down, Labour will argue that you voted to stop the boats for humanitarian reasons, not to abandon our international obligation to support asylum seekers yadda yadda…

  4. Concern should be reserved for the fact that British working people are now up for another staggering £80,000 per DAY to keep these immigrants. Remember folks, it is not for one day, it is for the rest of their lives. Say 60 years, which rounded up looks like £1,750,000,000. And also remember, it is more likely there are serious criminals in that bunch rather than even one doctor. And remember, THAT IS ONLY ONE DAY. And don't forget, that is the arrivals of just one day. For God's sake when is Britain going to get some leadership.

  5. Unfortunately, people in the UK who have jobs, might not have enough money saved up if they collectively all went on strike. This will be the only weapon to use against the government. We people overseas are aghast at what the UK government is doing to it's own people.

  6. I think they should at the very least earn their crust when they’re over here. What about litter picking, cleaning parks, cleaning buildings, filling pot holes, cleaning graffiti. I know we’d still have an issue but we’d also have the cleanest cities and towns in the world.

  7. They dont want to stay in France they all want to come to the uk for the benefits free housing nhs at the British taxpayer exspence its a disgrace stop giving them everything for free they wont come to the uk

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