The UN’s DARK Agenda: What You’re Not Being Told About Agenda 2030

The UN’s DARK Agenda: What You’re Not Being Told About Agenda 2030

In this video, Bev dives into the UN’s Summit for the Future and the true intentions behind their Pact for the Future and Agenda 2030. On the surface, it’s all about sustainability, global cooperation, and protecting future generations. But what if there’s a darker side? From digital governance to global control, Bev explores how these initiatives could reshape our world – and not for the better. Is it really about equality, or is it about control? Watch to find out how this global agenda might impact your freedoms, privacy, and way of life.

#Agenda2030 #UNPactForTheFuture #GlobalGovernance #DigitalControl #Freedom

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  1. The devil always exposes himself in plain sight, they are trying to confuse sustainability and weaponise the sector for control.

    The private sector already have a solution to by past their legacy systems already up and running. Technology moves faster than governments and the old boys clubs…..

  2. …… the migrant ' PROBLEM ' – has been one, for decades; & NOTHING has been done – cos' ' THEY ' have No intention of Solving It!

    – It's ALL PLANNED & Agreed On.

    …… apart from exceptions like Poland;
    I think It's Universal & any occasional
    Terrorist act where WE are the Victims
    is simply – TOUGH SHIT!!!

  3. Bev is beautiful, elegant, intelligent, protects her heritage and speaks the truth. She is the full package. She is the definition of a women. Can be strong and opinionated but still remain a lady about it. Keep speaking up.

  4. Quite literally nothing wrong with global governance. The problem is citizens aren’t holding anyone accountable. Other problem is, if no one votes for anyone then the richest people and companies can just say they’re the law right? National patriotism is great, but that’s why there’s wars over a piece of dirt happening now that started 3000 f’ing years ago.
    Think simple, stay simple. Have fun.

  5. A utopian idea run by a group of ppl who want to control the world . For their OWN BENEFIT. By controlling financially stable countries. Outcome is destruction of stable countries by flooding them with illegal immigrants who do not, cannot integrate.
    Control of food an farming, freedom of speach already in trouble.

  6. The controlling families, with thier systems, have no intention on a fair playing field.
    Those rigged systems serve them, they give themselves titles, award themselves wealth, and status.
    Yet they hide from you the reality, that they're just corrupt greedy pompous people.

  7. Well said Bev. We need more news like this exposing the corruption in governments worldwide. these organisations need exposing for what their real agendas are. We're already seeing just how corrupt libour are here in the UK. They conned so many people into voting for them, particularly our elderly, only for them to be targeted with cuts. They want to erase our freedoms and you sheep that voted them in, look what you have signed up to. New like this MSM will never show because they are all owned by these greedy elitists. Vaccine, fake (why are people still taking boosters 4 years on!?!?!), immigration, out of control, cost of living, worse. all part of their plan. we need reform. we need a government that is not bought by these elite organisations, that will stand for its people, not lie to them to get votes and then do the complete opposite of their pledges and fake manifestos. I hope GBNews keeps this up and has more news like this in larger segments. Thanks for sharing

  8. Ukraine to receive 12 Caesar ACSs for funds from frozen Russian assets

    You see they all raiding there funds. They will pay a price for it .. Although this prelongs the wars .. Stop it now and save life's .

  9. The depopulation could in fact be the rapture but they will need to take credit for it or “natural disasters” will be the blame. Wars as well. Anything but giving Glory to God almighty.

  10. WEF and WHO (and poss UN) are Dr Evil's puppets.

    Reminder: he wants plastic rice, human dna lab meat and insects as our main nutrition, whilst Chief Harmer dissolves the farming industry.

    For educational/entertainment purposes only!

  11. Anyone SEE the Dr Evil mock news report referencing / (endorsing?) a new bio super virus called
    SEERS …


    For educational/entertainment purposes only!

  12. This is terrifying. We have begun to wake up to the fact that we are almost completely inside the monsters mouth, so now they will try to jerk forward and clamp their jaw shut before we can escape. We must escape this.

  13. Universal Law. She is part of it. They need you to know their plans. You have then given informed consent and thus the karmic balance is not on them. Wak up people ffs.

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