Australia’s energy debate ‘full of deception’

Australia’s energy debate ‘full of deception’

Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood says Australia’s energy debate is “full of deception”.

Mr Greenwood said there are many “half-truths” in the discussion of energy policies.

“Facts are conveniently omitted or just simply glossed over.”

  1. We have a new announcement.
    It has been decided that our new energy policy going forward will be exercise bicycles fitted with generators that are connected to the grid.
    We will need at least a hundred million more immigrants to fill the positions of human generators.

  2. It's simple. Labor cannot govern without support from The Greens, who are determined to convince Australians that Western liberal democracy has failed and needs to be replaced by Marxist socialism. To do so, The Greens need first to destroy the economic viability of what remains of Australian industry and inflict great pain on voters, all while pretending it is not their fault as they are not the government. If they can cause enough economic misery, along with the related job lossess, workers will see The Greens as their saviour, through socialism. If you think things are bad now, just wait until that happens.

  3. The only deception we have nowadays is the exposed corruption, deception, lies, insider trading and a way by the federal parties to NOT allow the general taxpayers and businesses of Australia to ever get ahead by implementing heavy regulation, more taxes and an agenda to invent new ways to make it hard for Australians.

  4. The LNP ban on Nuclear does not stop them proving supposed viability of Nuclear. The LNP fail to mention that you need to build two reactors at each site because each needs regular weeks of shutdown ever 2 to 5 years to replace as many as 40,000, dangerous for 700,000 years, spent fuel rods. In Georgia customers of the newest, latest technology reactors are finding their power bill are now 2 or 3 times higher and that is years of paying construction level onto over their prenuclear power bill. Nuclear is such a dumb especially when we have so muchbsunshijeband wind plus plenty of empty space to install solar and wind mills. Why should the nearly 30% of homes that could run off the grid with solar and batteries be expected to pay anything towards this insane expensive political diversiony STUNT by the LNP .

  5. Electrical Engineer here

    The least expensive form of electricity is from hydroelectric power plants, less than 1 cent a kilowatt-hour. Solar and wind power are the second least expensive at less than 2 cents a kilowatt-hour. Coal and natural gas power are the third least expensive at 6 cents a kilowatt-hour. Nuclear power weather fission or fusion are the most expensive form of electricity at 10 cents kilowatt-hour. Fusion power really does work today, sometimes called cold fusion, but it is not politically acceptable. Scaling up cold fusion power plants are much cheaper to build and much safer with no nuclear waste to deal with. But cold fusion power plants will still be more expensive than coal and natural gas power plants. Cold fusion powered super-sized cruise ships and very large ships for shipping containers, oil and LNG ships would greatly benefit global shipping.

    Why I prefer solar and wind power along with some battery backup. Solar and wind power are what we call intermittent or veritable power supplies. Opponents of solar and wind power often refer to it as expensive and unreliable. But the electrical engineers know the truth. There is a mathematical formula used to make reliable solar and wind power along with some battery storage. In each metropolitan area, you need to know the peak power consumption. In wind power I prefer floating offshore wind turbines because there is a statistic known as capacity factor. Onshore land-based wind turbines capacity factor in the best locations is 33%. This means that a land- based wind turbine only produces on average 33% of the name plate capacity of the wind turbine. A GE 3.6-megawatts land-based wind turbine only produces an average of 1.188 megawatts of electricity. The exact same GE 3.6-megawatt wind turbine on a floating offshore platform has a capacity factor of 67%. This means that exact same GE wind turbine will produce 2.412 megawatts of electricity. But offshore floating wind turbine has one big trick. An offshore floating wind turbine can scale up to 48 megawatts with a capacity factor of 67% so your average power output is 32.160 megawatts. Offshore wind turbine fan blades are 200 meters long. No land-based wind turbine can scale up this large. Your average metropolitan area uses 3 gigawatts of electricity peak consumption. When taking capacity factor into account to a have reliable source of electricity you need 4 to 5 times greater electricity from floating wind turbines than peak power consumption. 18 hours of batteries storage will be needed at the power substation level. Every 11 and 22 years there will be a very brief loss of power no matter how many floating offshore wind turbines you have online. Backup batteries will keep the power grid stable during such events. Solar power and battery backup on all homes parking lots deserts will greatly stabilize the power grid. Of course, solar power with backup batteries must be 4 to 5 times greater than peak power consumption. This will be the lowest cost of electricity for Australia.

  6. Solar panel arrays/farms can be built as roofs 12 ft high, that will also provide shade for cattle underneath or for crops that require shade and not much sun, so it can work in some places. The roofs and water tanks can collect water as well for the cattle and or crops.

    What about using electrolysis to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gases. That should be talked about also. Those 2 gases hydrogen and oxygen when burnt TOGETHER in an engine or gas fired turbine at a power station can create plenty of power and electricity. There is no pollution from it either. People say it takes more electricity than what you get from it, but I don't think that is true at all.

    It needs to be checked out and tested. Water can be split using far less electricity by using a pulsed square wave form, from dc power & that is easy to do using a basic electronic power supply.

    You don't store these gases in tanks as that is dangerous but you simply produce the gases and then use them straight away in an engine for a car or truck or ship or plane or gas fired turbine at a gas fired power station.

    That should be tested and used now. Do it.!

    People say just go nuclear with these new smaller modular reactors, but are they really safe? Some people say some solar flares can make some reactors start up themselves and get out of control. Has that been investigated for safety?

    Nuclear is just rushing to any simple answer that gets promoted. What are the radiation levels and nuclear pollution in the oceans and the atmosphere now in 2024 worldwide, after the fukishima melt down??

    Do we want rising cancer rates from nuclear radiation just to power our obsession with data servers and dodgy dangerous AI that many people are warning about getting out of control one day??

  7. We DONT need nuclear energy in Australia. It’s time we started to look at what’s happening around us. We have all the necessary elements for pretty much everything. Coal in particular, while we are running to NET 0, so we export everything to China , and then pay china for wind inefficient turbines wind and solar. There is no emergency on climate. The narrative is pushed by WHO WEF and UN. All of whom want total control.

  8. Greasy-Albo and Bowen are two of Labor's master criminals in Australia's political history. The AFP or the ACCC should investigate the activities of these two criminals in pushing their overpriced Renewable Green Renewable Energy. Since the introduction of these technologies, have only increased the cost of everyone's electricity prices. Surely someone is making a huge amount of money from this form of power generation.
    Albo and Bowen need to be in prison for Treasonous crimes against Australians and need to be treated with extreme prejudice.🤮🥸🤡👹👹🙈🙉🙊

  9. It’s not just corruption or stupidity, it is treason.
    Albo, Bowen & all of Labor are good for it and should be in prison, it is the deliberate destruction of Australia’s energy, culture, economy, industry and environment driven by their WEF, UN, WHO, Paris Accord masters under the guise of net zero & climate change agenda BS. The planet is not in trouble, we are.
    We float on gas and give most of it away without payment, yet we cant use gas, coal, oil or uranium which could keep us powered for another 20,000 years.
    Replaceables are a scam and will never meet our growing needs without unsustainable input and corrupt govt funding.
    The facts and data are undeniable, Labor is the only crisis in Australia, LNP probably not much better.
    We need a complete revamp of govt, stop political donations, they need to be made accountable for any damage they do or cause while in power, paid on performance and merit, no performance no huge retirement packages & payouts for life and more means for removing corrupt or non performing govts before they can create this sort of chaos.
    I dont know how an Island made of Gold can be so Poor in every way.

  10. Turnbull and Holmes A Court types have invested in renewables and won’t give up without a huge fight. It’s not about what is best for the countries energy mix just follow the money. And Labor have no ideology other than climate alarmism don’t suits their narrative!

  11. There is no debate because to have one, you need two sides capable of debating their reasoning. The Net Zero mob ( government and the like ) can't justify their position because it can be destroyed by anyone who ( knows their stuff )isn't court up in the religious like brain dead narrative . When all your points are a lie and you know it, all you can do is bully and obfuscate.!?

  12. if sky would drag AUSTRALIAS leading electrical engineers on and interview an expert on power ,not politicians without a trade or even a trade in electricity .. would you ask a hair dresser to fix your car? no so why ask a politician about this ?

  13. I am just sick and tired of our media supporting political agendas, activism and leftist agendas. We just need the media to report the facts debate the issues without misleading and deceptive information. This country is in a dangerous place run by wet nurses and political correctness. frankly they are unable to make a decision because it may offend a lobby group who represent less than 1% of the population.

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