Are BRICS countries already challenging the US-led world order? | The Bottom Line

Are BRICS countries already challenging the US-led world order? | The Bottom Line

The American empire has peaked “and we are on the way down… and we try to hold on”, says Richard Wolff, professor emeritus of economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who notes that the BRICS coalition of economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) is gaining an edge over the United States.

Wolff tells host Steve Clemons that it’s “a very difficult experience for Americans” to realise that they lost wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. And despite unconditional support from the US, Israel will not be able to prevail in the long run.

“Israel is a country of a few million people and is not going to control and run the Middle East … with or without the United States,” argues Wolff.

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  1. about BRCS USA they don't having problems we that I don't care they think we not going to survive or they think going take power they think they killing dollar the USA the biggest trade in world because they making good stuff everything they don't make chip stuff

  2. Richard's cure for america is communism. I have been reading and listening to this weak professor for 15 years now. I thought I was going to hear some real important information. Nope. Just another man who gets fat while telling others to eat less.

  3. "Taiwan Syndrome" oops sorry it's a Khalistan Syndrome. Coercion not to be friends with Russia. Not to attend BRICS. India is getting a dose of, I am your boss, from the Imperial Power. Mr. T of Canada is doing America dirty work. The play book is very familiar.

  4. US hegemony and the West is undermining the development prospects of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

    The US-led collective West is doing everything in its power to preserve its domination, which they have enjoyed for 500 years of human history.

    That domination rests on colonial power and the exploitation of nations to maintain the privileged position of the “golden minority.”

    The G7 is the industrialized countries consist of the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, and Japan.

    The G7 is an elite, rich and powerful industrial countries. 

    It is a subset– a club in the club- of the newer and more diverse G20, which represents the emerging multi-polar world order.

    It is a set that is entirely contained inside another set.

    The G7 is formed to look into its own interests and to coordinate its global economic policy.

    The G20 provides a platform for the United States to engage directly with the world's largest advanced and emerging economies to promote U.S. interests and meet global geopolitical and socioeconomic challenges with other G20 members which account for more than 80 percent of global gross domestic product.

    Some countries have questioned the G7 relevance.

    The G7 is increasing irrelevance in its current formulation and has no reason to exist and it should be replaced with a more representative group of countries.

    The G7 has since then lost decisional momentum and the potential for global governance reforms.

    The world has been changing fast and the G7 looks like a relic of the past.

    BRICS has given an additional options to other countries especially the Global South to be involved in its global policy.

    BRICS looks likely to overtake the G7 in economic size within two decades and will achieve a better, more efficient, more representative global governance.

    BRICS offer an alternative with pragmatic and independent foreign policies when the West is destroying globalisation tools, international markets are becoming regionalised, and most supply and logistics chains are being rebuilt so as not to depend on Western tools.

    BRICS is based on the principles of mutual respect, a sovereign choice of development path and the implementation of the fundamental principle of the UN Charter, that is, the sovereign equality of states.

    BRICS represents a cooperation network for regional and subregional processes in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

    This cooperation network is expected to promote harmony and deepen integration within the Global Majority around the world.

    Globalization is no longer a puppet show dominated by the West but is evolving toward a more inclusive and diverse direction, aligning with the mainstream wishes and needs of the international community.

    Developing countries wholeheartedly identify with the spirit of BRICS and recognize the BRICS cooperation mechanism.

    Unlike the G7, the BRICS advocates a behavior pattern of "embracing" rather than "throwing punches."

    It eyes establishing political mutual trust based on respecting the sovereignty and core interests of each country, engaging in cultural exchanges with sincerity based on respecting different civilizations, histories, and development paths, and embracing economic and financial cooperation on the premise of equality and mutual benefit without attaching any political conditions.

    The BRICS mechanism itself is an open institutional arrangement, not a camp of either friends or enemies, and never engages in camp confrontation.

    This inclusive arrangement relieves participating countries of the pressure of taking sides.

    While attracting many emerging countries, the BRICS also does not exclude developed countries.

    As the Global South increasingly shows confidence and is no longer willing to passively participate in the international system, greater BRICS cooperation responds to the call of historical development.

    The content of the inclusive cooperation of the greater BRICS is both deep and broad.

    Currently, the BRICS countries account for 30 percent of the global land area, 45 percent of the world's population, roughly 40 percent of oil production and reserves in global energy landscape, and their total GDP calculated by purchasing power parity has surpassed that of the G7.

    BRICS countries should play a greater role in global governance.

    In fields like global trade settlement systems and advanced technology industries where a monopoly by developed countries is likely, the voices of developing nations should be heard.

    In the future, a greater BRICS platform with more members and partners will become a multipolar force center dedicated to building a more just, fair, and inclusive international order, making the future of human society better.

    The BRICS steadily advancing in this direction will surely attract more and more like-minded partners.

    BRICS countries should take the lead in practicing peaceful coexistence, and adhering to independence and autonomy.

    They should also be guided by true multilateralism, reject exceptionalism and double standards.

    BRICS countries should firmly promote the political resolution of hotspot issues, and respect each other's legitimate concerns and jointly advocate for an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization.

    As the Global South is playing an increasingly important role in international affairs, particularly in security and development.

  5. Thankyou for furthering knowledge in global dynamics.The major principles involved in the Brics development appear to create an ends to a means for global domination, in my opinion through digital financial manipulation that can
    generate abilities to leveraging for potential occupation to incorporating land mass acquisitions eventually dividing the global mass into ownership for the primary entities.That is most likely a strategic overview of evolution.

  6. US is weakening itself. Wealth disparity, woke drugged up society, gutted production, uncontrolled immigration, very poor leadership, broken democratic process, global morality disgust.

  7. Hitler gifted US with the chance to become #1 power in the world by attacking USSR. If he was smart, he would keep them as allies and focus on finishing the job in the West. In that case there was no chance for the D Day to have happened and probably UK would have been destroyed as well. Fortunatelly, the end of the US 'empire' is getting closer and closer. And when this will happen, all their 'puppets' (NATO, EU, etc) will run away.

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