Israel, Iran and the Middle East Proxy Wars Explained – Colonel Richard Kemp

Israel, Iran and the Middle East Proxy Wars Explained – Colonel Richard Kemp

Colonel Richard Kemp CBE is a retired British Army officer who served from 1977 to 2006. He joined us to discuss current events in the Middle East. We use to see through media bias and get the full story. Use our link to save 40% on the Ground News unlimited access Vantage plan this month.

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Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians.

00:00 Trailer
01:00 Why Biden Doesn’t Want Israel To Win
03:52: How Can Israel Win?
07:00 Are Hamas Still Operational?
10:44 Do Israeli Actions Radicalise Palestinians?
14:18 The Iranian Regime Is The ‘Head Of The Octopus’
18:29 Ground News Advert
19:37 Iranian Nuclear Program
22:00 Do We Need Israel As An Ally?
28:36 Understanding Collateral Damage
39:21 Ketone IQ Advert
40:37 The Geopolitics of Lebanon
48:51 Why The Two State Solution Is Impossible
55:55 Trump Vs Kamala
01:02:50 Western Defeatism
01:07:11 What’s The One Thing We’re Not Talking About?

  1. The #1 threat/issue for Israel is the Biden admin directly supporting Iran. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, South Korea, Europe, and the world need Trump to become the next American President.

  2. “Take away the number that died from natural causes” – gee where have I heard that point made before? By Holocaust deniers in relation to the number of Jews who died from illness rather than direct murder in the camps

  3. Fantastic talk, except when he talked about why Iran. I don't think it has anything to do with China – Obama, et al., LOVE the Chinese Communist Party. Many in the GOP do, as well.

  4. That was a really poor answer for why it's worth making so many enemies to support Israel. The west should have just left the middle east to its own devices after World War 1. It's not obvious to me that supporting Israel has made the middle east more stable. Look at the state of Iraq and Afghanistan. If anything, our involvement in the middle east has made it LESS stable.

  5. I will never again believe anything the US president says. The white house needs to stfu and stop stirring up wars the Middle East. I suspect that soon as the new POTUS is named all this will go quiet and Hamas will mysteriously surrender.

  6. Thanks for having an intelligent expert on. So much more light than the darkness of failed humans like Qatars ho Mehdi Hassan, Low-key the coward and deranged Eoger Watters.

  7. Read the 1964 PLO charter. They commit to destroying Israel, yet it was written 3 full years before any "occupation" or "apartheid" or "settlements" in Gaza or the West Bank. In fact, Article 24 of the charter explicitly steps back from Gaza or the West Bank. This has nothing to do with Gaza or the West Bank or a "2-state solution." Palestinians don't want that – they want 1 big Arab Muslim state.

  8. Before l947 there no Lebanon there was philistine no Jordan there greater Syria England and France divided it into small countries the Arabs rejected Jews being in Palestine they fought the Jews and lost and they are still on a loosing streak 😅😅😅😅😅😅

  9. He sounded like an IDF spokesman to me and that’s why I decided to check him out and here what his wiki says:
    He is the head of the UK Friends of the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel’s Soldiers (UK-AWIS), the UK branch of AWIS, an Israeli organisation managed by the Israel Defense Forces

    You should present your guest better that we know who is talking to us

  10. When the Democrat Party is owned by the Deep State, and both Biden & Harris have BlackRock & Vanguard shares in their stock portfolios, it’s easy to see a conflict of interest and war profiteering in their funding of both sides of this war.

    And that is your “Well, duh…..” moment when you ought to realize they SHOULD be charged with treason. They are profiting from supporting BOTH sides of a war. How is this egregious malfeasance even feasible???
    This is the journalism in the non-reported NEWS that needs to be reported upon.

  11. Ask yourself this – is 10/7 a reasonable response to your great-grandparents being pushed 20 miles down the road 70 years ago? Jews were literally slaughtered by the millions during that same period and Germans aren't being constantly terrorized by the Jews 80 years later.

  12. Great interview.
    41:3043:32 – Carolyn Glick has addressed this, this UN 'agency' UNIFIL is to Hezbollah what UNRWA is to Hamas. Essentially another Islamic terrorism enabler, Jihadi facilitating agency. 

    Like the Col.said, UNIFIL was supposed to make sure Hezbollah stayed out of Southern Lebanon, as per the agreement of demilitarization, instead, UNFIL has allowed precisely the opposite, and let Hezbollah build positions all over south Lebanon and just like Hamas, within civilian zones and infrastructure and, sometimes within literally a few hundred yards from UNIFIL camps themselves …. Once again UN claiming, 'we didn't know ' simply doesn't cut it. UN cannot be trusted.

    None of this appears on legacy mead, because of a mix of ignorance, cognitive dissonance, 'suicidal empathy', anti semitism, all weaponized by the woke mind virus ideological capture.

  13. I still like Christopher Hitchen's analysis of this whole regional conflict (may he rest in peace)… he basically makes the point that this conflict will never be resolved because fundamentally the problem is Islam. Look at a country like Israel… literally a country in the single most hostile part of the world that has been thriving for decades, surrounded by effectively backwards medieval peasants.

    They hate Israel because Israel is successful and they are not. They have been fed this lie for thousands of years now that their golden time is coming and they are the last generation and they will have their ultimate victory and all the rest… but then you end up with just another failed state while your direct neighbor is one of the richest and most developed countries in the world.

    Islam lies at the heart of all these problems, which is exactly why countries like Saudi Arabia or the UAE have no interest in helping or taking in any of the fundamental muslims, because they know that fundamental Islam is the very cause of their demise.

    There is no winning here until fundamental Islam either gets destroyed or completely reformed.

  14. The problem with these stupid analysists is that they fail to acknowledge the simple truth which is the root cause of the conflict and because they have been bought by Jewish money and are morally corrupt, they deflect from the truth. The root cause of the problem is the lsrael unlawful occupation of the Palestinian's land and the UN refusal to grant or allow statehood to the Palestinians despite the promise made to them at the creation of the State of lsrael. More importantly these stupid analysists fail to heed the lessons of history which no country can occupy or colonise another country or people for ever because the colonised people would always take up arms resistance against their occupier and coloniser. The Americans chased out the British from their land, India and Kenya eventually got their independence from Britain despite the atrocities of the British Empire. The black South Africans eventually defeated the apartheid system. The blacks in America eventually defeated segregation, the list goes on and on. So you cannot subjugate people against their will. You cannot keep people in your neighbourhood and except that there would be no consequence. For years lsrael with the Western support has been behaving with impunity. In the age of social media everybody can now see what lsrael is doing to the Palestinians- genocide and ethnic cleansing

  15. The Biden "brain trust" forced our military to partner with the Taliban and rely on them to provide security against ISIS during the hasty, ill-advised withdrawal from Afghanistan. How anyone can even consider voting for his diversity-hire is beyond me.

  16. I found that last question that Konstantin asked and the subsequent reply so, so important…

    I couldn't agree more, we in the West have become so soft and pathetic as a society…. we literally think "talking" will solve all problems… and it's a typical Western thing to do which is assuming that everyone surely is just like us, thinks like us, does things like us and look at us we are so great just copy us… we fundamentally lost the ability to see that there are simply a lot of bad people out there who want to see the world burn and they cannot be dealt with by just "talking" to them. And it's so ironic that we pretend to be so developed and sophisticated, but completely lost the ability to see those sometimes very sad but simple truths… You will not resolve the Israel conflict by talking to Hamas or Iran. Given the chance, they will murder you…

  17. 52:22 – No…that is what folks don't understand of forget….. the 1947 to 1967 borders of Israel did not include the region know as 'the west bank' (Judea and Samaria), is was under Arabs control, Jordanian control. And they still wanted 'more of Israels' territory….It was only because of continuous threats from Arabs on the west bank, culminating in Jordanian tanks pointing to Israel, right on the borde in a stance representing a 'clear and present danger' – that Israel had to make a move and take the area by force, before the Arabs fired the first shot. The area in question was in Arab's hands and they still were trying to attack Israel. It's like the Col. said, it was never was about territory and 'land', they never wanted anything other than to retake the area, as they did w/ the OG colonialist Islamist Muslims of the 6th century….always abut about Islamist supremacy über alles.

  18. From @13Liberty50. I didn't know these quotes but I liked 'em.
    “I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.”

    ― Douglas MacArthur

    “Once war is forced upon us, there is no alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to a swift end. War’s very object is victory-not prolonged indecision.”

    ― Douglas MacArthur

    The United States is in need of a war time President and a war time Congress.

    A president who does not call a war, a war should not be president.

    A president who cannot see the enemy and removes them from the terrorist list, should not be president.

    A president who does not secure the border under national security should not be president.

    A president who gives aid and comfort to the enemy with "humanitarian assistance" should not be president.

    "Remember that it is the actions, and not the commission, that make the officer, and that there is more expected from him, than the title."

    –George Washington 1756

    "To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace."

    –George Washington 1790

  19. Why is the middle East so important to the West? Two primary reasons: oil/gas and world trade, trade being much less important and carrying only 11% of world trade. These two factors impact directly on global inflation rates, but much more geographically vectored on Europe and the US. Secondly, the Middle East exports millions of refugees to the West – their destination of choice. Widespread instability in the ME, which is guaranteed if the West does not support Israel and Saudi Arabia, will directly impact the West with yet more millions of refugees.

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