Elon Musk is WRONG about Nuclear Fusion – Nuclear Engineer Reacts

Elon Musk is WRONG about Nuclear Fusion – Nuclear Engineer Reacts

Original Video @UP_and_to_the_RIGHT https://youtube.com/shorts/JS0qEziP2eA?si=tQWSHbAazyHmmtCg

  1. he has changed his views since this video, this ones pretty old now

    whats with all the leftoids in the comments thinking that they know more than him, because they were told to think so?

  2. If you have huge parking lots which are 2 4 6 or even 8 times the area of the mall then it is only logical to use the are to cover it in solar panels and 2×20 feet container with 7MWh

  3. Musk is not stupid. He is just ignorant and thinks he knows more than he does. Especially outside of his field. He is also not afraid to speak his mind and he will not say he doesn’t know.

  4. The tritium is an actual issue but everything else you corrected was straight facts. Tritium is just super rare so we would need to make it or get it from fission reactions.

  5. I think Elon spoke well in context of generalization as he was primarily trying to cover ground and not be precisely and factually correct.
    I appreciate both experts and visionaries.

  6. Fuel cost is the high energy consumption you’re talking about the same thing.

    And Radwaste isn’t exactly a readily available source of Tritium

  7. Fusion is an issue cuz the stuff you wanna cram togather are waves on a field. I'd still say folding space they occupy is the answare. a 2D blade. The B version is to cause other stronger chemical fields in a storage that is transparent to energy that creates extra volume in the confined space. In example if you can quantum tunnel in material, but preventing to tunnel out, then the confined matter have to fuse, and the excess energy should be able to go trough the walls.

  8. Maintaining that mag bottle for fusion is not only energy expensive (exorbitantly so right now), it is also computationally expensive as the strength of the different mag fields must be constantly adjusted as the fusion reaction is occurring. It has promise, especially with new a.i. predictive programs making the computation of the mag field changes much more stable. Still a technology in it's practical infancy though.

  9. The more and more i have seen of musk the more i know he retarded and very often has zero clue about what he talks about other then knowing a few words. He is truly great at marketing ideas. And marketing in general. But his expertice ends there.

  10. Elon Musk is and always has been a tool. Remember Musk fans: he's a BUSINESS MAN FIRST AND FOREMOST! HE gives ZERO CARE about YOU and the ENVIRONMENT! HE ONLY CARES ABOUT HIMSELF, PERIOD! He makes you BELIEVE he does care. But hey Musk fans, continue believing in him. He has been debunked SEVERAL if not ALL the time from Thunderf00t, and now also from this channel (among others).

  11. Hes rich running several major companies, assuming he gets info from sources, he may be wrong. The better judge of intelligence is ability to update an opinion, which he is.

    Also, solar panel maintenance could be called 'rain', fact check yourself.

  12. fun fact: deuterium is a heavier isotope of hydrogen, so D20 (opposed to H2O) is a heavier water alternative (Heavy water) it is also not exactly advised for human consumption but it’s slightly sweet.

  13. Elon is a physicist. He can handle himself in a physics exchange. He adds practicality. He doesn't do speculation because it is useless. Deuterium and tritium are both expensive, tritium obviously more so. This is overlooked by pie-in-the-sky physicists. In addition, running a fusion reactor causes more nuclear waste than fission reactor. This I learned in the late 70s, and the situation has not changed. No one working in that field wants to talk about that.

  14. Cold fusion and hypothetically we could power much of the world with solar it just requires a ton of infrastructure which isnt even the worst thing because thats job generation ❤

  15. Tritium cost $30,000 per gram, wouldn’t call that cheap lol. But yeah currently the hold up is it cost more energy to start the reaction than it produces and trouble with containment, but I think that is also a scaling problem they will be trying to scale up the reactors for the next set of tests but they think it won’t be ready until the reactors are much bigger and the containment problem is under control. As for solar and wind, garbage… inefficient, take up massive amounts of space for low power density, not to mention intermittent power generation and lastly terrible for environment in multiple ways, kill wildlife disposal of all the panels and wind turbines I believe the lifespan on panels is like 10 years? I think. Best way to go is fission for now, most efficient, most power density, generation is reliable , high efficiency, low waste, no carbon emissions, not to mention it has the best safety record lol people are just afraid of the word nuclear but if they actually cared about the environment that’s what we should build until fusion is ready. Solar panels should only be used on structures that already exist as a additional power source and not take up any additional space it’s idiotic to waste fields for solar panels, and wind turbines they are just absolute trash all around

  16. He was saying you never have to do maintenance on the Sun. Just to clarify, however, as much as I admire what this man is done, I don't agree with him here either.

    To his credit though, in other statements he has said Nuclear Fission is the best and most logical way forward for green energy

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