WA voters on track to vote against repealing Climate Commitment Act: WA Poll

WA voters on track to vote against repealing Climate Commitment Act: WA Poll

Washington state voters are on track to vote against Initiative 2117, which would repeal the state’s Climate Commitment Act, according to a KING 5 poll.

READ MORE: https://www.king5.com/article/news/politics/elections/2024-election-poll-results/281-02f6ad0b-9717-4f9e-96a0-78b5531eb13d

  1. If we passed this and repealed this carbon tax.The state would just turn around and tell us that either we didn't know what we were voting on or just ignore what we voted for.
    They did that multiple times to us for Term Limits for our politicians and for our thirty-five dollar car tabs.

  2. Well that’s a horrible idea! We have paid so much on BS studies yet they are trying to allow a battery storage in the Skagit Valley? It’s the not in my back yard BS from those city dwellers. The climate commitment act is just another way to allow more of the same terrible tactics. Repeal it.

  3. The powers that be say the climate commitment act is to save the environment while the same people sell off forested land from the DNR to enable more urbanization which is the #1 driver of salmon and Steelhead decline and climate change locally.

    Nothing is more important to Washington state Democrat's than tax dollars.

    The taxes from these scams only makes the middle class poorer and funnels money to politically mobbed up special interest groups and will do nothing to benefit the environment.

    Voted to repeal!

  4. Washington is obviously enjoy paying the highest gas prices in the nation because of this extra tax. Curiously, they don’t really know where this money is going. Or they won’t say.

  5. accelerate everything. lets see how anything and everything winds up in its end status. your a liar before you even speak in todays culture of BS. It's not hard to understand… the gov hates you and needs to be much much much smaller. fin.

  6. Have no fear: If Voters (even overwhelmingly) repeal the Climate Commitment Act, Olympia will simply overturn the Will of the Voters — you know: like they did with our Voter-approved "$30 Tabs" vote. If you think your common-sense vote counts in WA State, you are delusional. But… I stand behind voting so we can at least get that fuzzy feeling, anyway. Don't let the fact that gasoline in WA is about $1 more per-gallon than many other States — according to the Media, you're just imagining that.

  7. Who are you polling? Citizens voted against carbon taxes when we got the chance to vote. Then our not so representatives decided to put it through anyway. Vote yes pay less on all initiatives.

  8. I don't care about the planet, but it funds schools and public transit. so I'm voting no. otherwise yeah, I would have voted to repeal it because the climate isn't my problem

  9. The carbon tax was copied from Canada where they have repeatedly increased the tax which is decimating the middle class, as intended. They don't dare speak on the environmental impact of manufacturing of EV's where drinking water systems are destroyed in the slave labor mining of minerals for batteries. Guess it's ok if drinking water in China and Africa is destroyed as long as it's not in your backyard. In the 70's they told us repeatedly we are approaching another global ice-age. Wake the 48% out of their deep sleep.

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