DoD Authorizes Lethal Force, Election Day Attack Plot, US Infrastructure Cyber Threat

DoD Authorizes Lethal Force, Election Day Attack Plot, US Infrastructure Cyber Threat

DoD Authorizes Lethal Force, Election Day Attack Plot, US Infrastructure Cyber Threat
These 3 emerging election day threats are what you need to prepare for now.

DOD Directive 5240.01 :

Fortinet Threat Intelligence Report:

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  1. Sounds like business as usual, one rule of the citizens and a whole different set for the elite. Elected or appointed, it’s not like the powers that be have not shredded The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, already.
    The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 supposedly removed the military from regular civil law enforcement, yet the military continues to this day to violate this Congressional Act.
    Three issues pop into my mind, 1st the Insurrection Act grants the president incredibly broad authority to deploy the military domestically, by passing Posse Comitatus.

    Section 502(f) of Title 32 of the U.S. Code, which allows the National Guard to carry out federal missions at the request of the president or secretary of defense while remaining under state control, thus bypassing the Posse Comitatus Act. While the rest of Section 502 is largely used for training missions, there are nothing limiting what kinds of “training” missions Subsection f can be used for.

    The last is also about the National Guard, the District of Columbia National Guard. While all other National Guards are commanded by their state/territorial governors, the DC National Guard falls under the President of the United States direct control at all times.

    If you remember the George Floyd riots, at least 11 states and the District of Columbia called in the National Guard and the Trump administration also sent in U.S. Military members to assist.

  2. Use of force in a potential lethal force scenario? Any time you use lethal force it is no longer potential but anyway – Trump argued that anything he did as President was protected and he can't be prosecuted, so my guess is that someone in the government decided that DOD assets can't be used to commit assassination and there was a need to spell it out in case Biden decided that Trump is right 🤣.

    Why so much attention is paid to the language in the DOD document was because conspiracy nuts were running out of stuff to throw on the wall.

    Yeah I agree that you need to stay aware of your surroundings, it's a good motto to live by.

  3. It’s sounds to me that they gave themselves the green light to use our own military against anyone here in the US that they want to which is completely against the Constitution. Any solder or LEO would be violating their oaths to defend and protect the Constitution and its citizens by following an unlawful order if they are told to use lethal force against us.

  4. I been working towards a brick and mortar gun smithing store and just got my keys to it last week. I am supposed to apply for my license and start the remodeling project this week. I am going forward but it’s nerve racking right now with everything going on.

  5. Well i guess they wasn't successful disarming its citizens so now they have to make sure the citizens understands what will happen if they try to go against them….Heck even Biden himself said about the 2nd yesr of his presidency that MAGA would be crazy to go up against its military, that they have fighter jets.

  6. I'm already hearing rumblings that we shouldn't expect the upcoming election to be resolved on election night. Which of course means that the Democrat party will be trying to corrupt the election again. It's up to us to ensure that the margin of victory is so big that they won't have enough dead people and illegally pre-filled ballots prepared to swing the election the wrong way. Talk to everyone you know and warn them of the urgency. May God help us all if they steal this one too.

  7. Who knows how many has came over the border, they know about 400000 thousand criminals here and 13000 of them are convicted murderers. It's going to get tuff here in AMERICA but I stand with JESUS so I have nothing to worry about in this flesh. You don't fear someone that can kill your body, u do fear someone that can take your eternity.

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