Zelenskyy calls for “strong” reactions as N. Korea deploys troops to fight with Russia

Zelenskyy calls for “strong” reactions as N. Korea deploys troops to fight with Russia

우크라 대통령 “北이 현대전에 숙련되면 모두에 해로울 것”

Ukraine is seeking a stronger reaction to North Korean involvement in the Ukraine crisis, with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy raising the alarm that greater involvement by Pyongyang could be harmful for everyone.
Moon Hye-ryeon starts us off.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called for the international community to take a tougher stance against North Korea amid continued speculation that it will become more involved in Russia’s war against Ukraine.
In a video address on Sunday, Zelenskyy cited satellite imagery and video evidence suggesting that North Korea is not only supplying Russia with equipment but also sending troops to the frontlines.
He said that he was grateful to leaders who acknowledged Pyongyang’s involvement and expects a “normal, honest, strong” reaction from allies.
The Ukrainian president further warned that greater North Korean involvement would be detrimental to “everyone” should its troops become trained for modern warfare.
The satellite images Zelenskyy mentioned were disclosed by South Korea’s intelligence agency as evidence of North Korea’s troop deployment to Russia.
The National Intelligence Service on Sunday revealed three pictures with a press release saying that the North had already deployed 15-hundred special forces troops to Russia as of October 8th, after confirming direct military cooperation between Russia and North Korea on Friday.
The images include a black-and-white satellite image depicting a Russian vessel departing from the North Korean port of Chongjin which is believed to be carrying North Korean soldiers.
Two images were attributed to international satellite imagery company Airbus, while the third unattributed photo was said to be captured by a South Korean government satellite using Synthetic Aperture Radar technology.
SAR involves transmitting radar waves at a target and processing the reflected signals to create an image.
After receiving news of Pyongyang’s involvement, Seoul’s top office reported that President Yoon Suk Yeol presided over an emergency security meeting, and recognized that the continued expansion of military cooperation between Pyongyang and Moscow is not only a threat to South Korea’s security but also the international community.
In addition to the satellite images, the Ukrainian government released two more pieces of evidence suggesting that North Korean troops have been deployed to Russia to support its war effort.
The first is a video, in which soldiers can be seen receiving supplies from Russian troops at a training ground, with audio of individuals speaking in Korean.
The second is a questionnaire that appears to have been prepared by Russia for North Korean soldiers to provide measurements for military uniforms, including hats and shoes.
The questionnaire’s focus on summer uniforms, despite the region’s current cooler temperatures, raises questions about its timing.
Moon Hye-ryeon, Arirang News.

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2024-10-21, 10:00 (KST)

  1. Poohtin threaten the west and NATO not to join or deploy soldiers to help the Ukrainian,now Fatboy wants to help his besties by sending N.Korean troops to help.🤔

  2. Ukraine has 7-8 years of continuous fighting with Russia. Plenty of time for Zelensky and his political party to seek some sort of solution to De-escalate fighting. Instead, Zelenski escalated the tensions with Russia. 8 long years of this BS and he finally says I want to join NATO to really piss off the Russians. That's when the war started. My point is that Zelenski had chances to cool off tension against Russia. He didn't. He escalated and pissed off Putin to respond the way they are now. This I believe is the facts. Zelenski F..ked up.

    Now they have the possibility of having to deal with the North Koreans who are much more aggressively trained with semi-commando-trained soldiers numbering over a million. God help you Ukraine. All because of one clown comedian. Pathetic.

  3. The nation's should stand together for Ukraine and South Korea. But without being too bold being too much open can cause harm. But to some extent the nations should help. If the war break out need to play big. But as of now they need back up if not this next will be ours.

  4. 한국은 러시아를 완전히 적으로 돌려 놓는 경거망동을 하지 말아야 한다. 러시아 입장에서 보면 복잡한 역사적 갈등 관계로 인한 남의 영토분쟁에 뛰어드는 철전지 원수가 되기 때문이다. 극우들이 떠드는 살상무기 공급도 우리 아들들을 사지로 내모는 파병도 절대 반대한다.

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