00:00 – one of the largest explosives plants in dzerzhinsk, russian federation, targeted by the Ukrainian drones, detonation continues
07:30 – military airbase in lipetsk, russian federation, targeted, lots of ammunition destroyed
08:15 – russia bombs itself in belgorod and kursk
10:00 – north korean soldiers in Europe
11:40 – china and russia economies suffering

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Real life stories about russian war against independent Ukraine. Short war stories that the world needs to know. Ask your questions and get your answers. I am not a professional vlogger, but I feel YouTube community needs more truth. Stand with Ukraine!

  1. Dont worrie Putin also sees the inactive action of the west. Thats why if he succeed in Ukraine he will even move on to Nato countries. Because he sees that if he keeps the wars conventional the west wont act with Nukes.

  2. 0:26 "it explodes for hours because it is explosive" 😅😂🤣 – Anna, thanks for reminding me like every day but this time on level above average why I have subscribed your Channel. ❤❤❤❤

  3. Regardless of the outcome of the war in Ukraine, the Russian military will be stronger after that, predicts US General Christopher Cavoli. NATO's supreme commander is calling for faster preparedness for this threat.

  4. So much for fighting for democracy and Rules based order order ( for a start US and NATO invade and kill people all over the world with impunity ) Ukraine has no democracy, no freedom of speech, no freedom of religion, no freedom of langue and culture, no freedom of religion and forced kidnapping of civilians off the street for the military. It`s all a joke.

  5. That’s almost four times the range of ATACMS. That tells you that Ukraine doesn’t need permission to use ATACMS in Russia because Ukraine doesn’t need ATACMS to hit far deeper into Russia.

    Ukraine is proving it doesn’t need long-range weapons from the west to fight Russia. Once you can wrap your brains around that, you’ll understand why the permission to use them hasn’t come.

    That plant was at Tomahawk range, not ATACMS range. Ukraine has never been given Tomahawks. Does Ukraine need western weapons to hit Russia?

    This is like teaching a kid to ride a bicycle. You just haven’t figured out that you don’t need the training wheels and you’ve riding by yourself for about half a block already.

  6. 🤩😍😻🤩
    Lovely Anna, the North Koreans pose no threat and are just more unqualified and unfortunate canon fodder for the altar of Russian fascism.
    They are sent to Russia in effect as a form of exile, where there is no hope of them returning, even if any of them were to survive the conflict.
    Just two weeks remain before our formal election day here in the USA, and after about a week of vote counting and stupid irrational challenges by the uninformed, uneducated, unintelligent fascist right wing in this country, if the Democratic Party prevails with President-elect Kamala Harris, I wager, and I'd like to put a lot of money on this but don't quite have that level of confidence, that Biden will then authorize the unrestrained use of all Western resources and weapons at Ukraine's disposal, no longer concerned with its potential impact on the election.
    If on the other hand, the usurped Re-pug-ni-con-artist party steals the election through various forms of fraudulent manipulation of the political process, then I doubt there's much hope, and you might want to consider packing your bags and finding a safe and rational, alternative place to live, if such a place continues to exist.😖

  7. I believe in the future people will watch documentaries about this war, with some prior knowledge, and when seeing and learning about operations and successes of Ukraine they’ll say “What the funk?! I had no idea! Ukraine was pulling russia apart!”

  8. Putin had a near death experience in a failed assassination attempt after which he was suddenly religious? I suspect he died and was replaced! This putin looks more Chinese than Russian

  9. So Americans cia or equivalent maybe floods Russian population with counterfeit Chinese money and good amounts of Americans cash for ground up grass Roots old school western supporting Russian anti fascist groups and random citizens in coordination of course with Ukraine cia equivalent… and fule hope and prosperity,,, suite case,,out rich the hierarchy 🤔🌹🤑🪖🌀🏝️🇺🇲🇺🇦

  10. Anna, as for the North Korean soldiers, I believe DPRK is not going to send more and more soliders because North Korea is NOT a normal country and it is not going to be able to accept these soldiers back. Because once they see outside of the North Korea if they are allowed back to North Korea and share their observations and experiences with other North Korean citizens and contaminate them with ideas like freedom, having a cell phone! things that are not allowed inside North Korea (like Internet!). I am also educating some young Iranians about why they should not join Russia. The Iranians are brainwashed by their own government about how nice uncle Putin is and they do not know the truth about crimes of Russia against Ukraine and the innocent Ukrainian citizens. I think Ukraine should put out material in Persian so Iranians are better educated. Also, there are about seven million Afghan refugees in Iran and many had been trained by American military, and Russia seems to be targetting that desparate population to join Russia in its fight against Ukraine. Slava Ukraini – ❤🇺🇦 from Iran

  11. We, in Serbia also had two very small windows of, so called real democracy. A few years at the beginning of 20. century, when we had a rule of king Peter I before the beginning of the First World War, and from 2000 to 2012. Now we have a half-authorian government, and lots of problems with the justice system and rule of law. There are a lot of issues with the freedom of the media. There are a couple free TV stations, but many people can't see them. The President is a "friend" of V.V. Putin, and that is not good at any time, especially now. He condemned aggression on Ukraine, but he avoided implying sanctions on RuZZia. On the other side, he allowed sending granates and ammunition to Ukraine's army. But, he is very silent about that 'cause hes "friendship" with bloody criminal Putin. That is a brief about the situation in Serbia where a lot of people, still love Putin and think that he is the defender of Serbian interests against the "evil west". Sad and tragik. Cheers. I personally send my love and support.

  12. It is a shaking game for Brussels: In a referendum on the EU ambitions of the Republic of Moldova, an extremely close result is hinted at. Head of state Sandu also has to go to the run-off in the presidential election. She makes serious accusations.

  13. New viewer here, from Mexico.
    I'm disgusted that my government officially supports Russia and loves Putin, but most normal people here in Mexico support Ukraine. Putin managed to successfully prop up a twice-failed candidate who made a career out of resentment and hatred politics. Now his 6-year term of sacking the country is over, and his legacy government (the Medvedev to Putin, so to speak) has postured disregarding official rulings from the Supreme Court, in order to control all "separated" powers and allow them to consolidate a militarized dictatorship. You are so correct in that these dictatorships are in league, Putin is very successful in expanding the league by creating dictators.
    Regardless, the Will of my people will resist, as Ukrainians teach us to resist. Putin and his league of dictators will fall, sooner rather than later. Slava Ukraini!

  14. In early December 1930, a Congress of the Folk Singers of Soviet Ukraine, with 337 delegates from different oblasts, was held at the Opera Theater in Kharkiv. The stated objective of the congress was to involve the folk singers in the building of socialism and to give them new ideological priorities while distancing them from their traditions.

    After adopting relevant resolutions, the kobzars (itinerant Ukrainian bards, often blind, who sang to their own accompaniment on a multi-stringed bandura or kobza instrument — Ed.) were packed into train cars under the pretext of a trip to Moscow for the Congress of Folk Singers of the USSR and taken to the outskirts of the Kozacha Lopan station. Late that night the blind singers were taken from the train cars to the edge of the forest where trenches had already been dug. After lining up the blind kobzars and their young guides in one file, the special NKVD unit (Soviet secret police, predecessor of the KGB — Ed.) began shooting. When everything was over, the bodies of the executed were covered with lime and earth. Their musical instruments were burned… (Note: other references place the tragedy in 1933 – Ed.)

    It is useless to look for even a cursory mention of the execution of the kobzars in the Soviet press. Researchers cannot even find documentary evidence of this terrible tragedy in the archives of the former NKVD-KGB. The NKVD agents knew how to cover up the traces of their crimes. As early as 1960, Alexander Shelepin, the KGB head at the time, issued a secret directive ordering his agencies “from Moscow to the furthest peripheries” to burn everything that could compromise the “heroic” agencies in the future . Yet the truth about the executed congress of kobzars and lirnyks (itinerant musicians who performed epic songs to the accompaniment of a lira, the Ukrainian version of the hurdy-gurdy — Ed.) stubbornly arises from the ashes of oblivion.

    . . . .

    Even Ukrainian writers were enlisted to persecute the kobzars. Thus, Yuriy Smolych wrote that “the kobza conceals a real threat because it is too tightly tied to the nationalistic elements of Ukrainian culture and the romanticism of the Cossacks and the Zaporozhian Sich (semi-autonomous Ukrainian Cossack state in the 16th to 18th centuries). The kobzars have tried to resurrect this past by all means. The medieval baggage of zhupan and sharovary (vest and trousers in Ukrainian national costume — Ed.) are pressing on the kobza,” he concluded.
    kobzar monument

    Mykola Khvylovyi called for an end to this “kobzified” Ukraine, insisting on the need to “punch out this kobzified psyche of the people.” But Mykola Bazhan surpassed everyone in his poem “The Blind,” where he calls the kobzars “whiners,” “smelly riffraff,” and their repertoire of ancient Ukrainian epics “damned songs.”

    The destruction of Ukraine’s folk singers


    Kobzars were a unique class of musicians in Ukraine, who travelled between towns and sang dumas, a meditative poem-song. Kobzars were usually blind, and required the completion of a three-year apprenticeship in specialized Kobzar guilds, in order to be officially recognized as such. In 1932, on the order of Stalin, the Soviet authorities called on all Ukrainian Kobzars to attend a congress in Kharkiv. Those that arrived were taken outside the city and were all put to death.[citation needed]

    Persecution of bandurists and kobzari by the Soviet authorities can be divided up into various periods. These periods differed in the type and length of persecution and punishments were dealt out and also the reason for the punishment.

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