Putin’s Big Weapons Gift For Iran Plan As Netanyahu Home Attack Sparks Fear Of Bigger Israeli Attack

Putin’s Big Weapons Gift For Iran Plan As Netanyahu Home Attack Sparks Fear Of Bigger Israeli Attack

Russia is considering providing advanced weapons to Iran amid ongoing tensions with Israel. A Business Insider report said that Russia would provide Iran with Su-35 fighter jets, S-400 air defense systems, and anti-ship cruise missiles, among other weapons. The report came on a day when Israel blamed Iran for a drone strike on PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s home in Caesarea on October 19. Watch this video for more.


#putin #khamenei #netanyahu #iran #iranmilitary #weapons #su35 #fighterjets #s400 #airdefencesystem #missiles #russia #israel #caesarea

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  1. The battles of heaven in space domain the Anunnaki as China & Russia against the WEST USA led NATO as David will happen soon if USA wanted too. First taking down satellites in space in lower or higher earth orbit with weapons as hypersonic missiles, laser drones, or jamming. Second with Mach 25 the speed of sound or 19,181.7 mile per hour = 30,870 kilometer per hour or higher hypersonic missiles with nukes warheads to anywhere in the world in 30 minutes or less, good luck to fence off these missiles. If these are the types of music the USA wanted to dance with somebody? I don't think the Chinese and the Russian are much of a parent dancers of theirs young David is with beautiful girl. The Chinese and the Russian they are only just wanted to do business with everybody around the world, it's a win, win for every body in business comparative advantage environment, not robbing, stealing, killing others for their resources, 100% tariffs on import goods on their own citizens or waiting for the farmers to build better electric car just to protect their jobs and most stupidity of all from the idiots what idiots do best are sanctions on others countries. I repeat sanctions means stupidity, if your currency is the world reserve currency as the USA.

    Can you imagines, if you are the infamous magician of the world just giving people around the world with the digital currency or fiat currency = paper money worth nothing you just created and they are giving you back all their hard work goods as automobiles, electronics, food, clothing, and all type of resources for you to survive on, and now you don't. This is beyond idiots logic, this is called mentally ill person. The whole planet earth is just a scam and Ponzi scheme as long as you are still having central bank and Federal Reserve, and if your currency is not backed by gold, silver and commodities. Hard working people around the world that producing goods and services for others are the invisibles hands that give paper money its values not the central bankers or USA Federal Reserve.

    Now back to USA got a lot of nukes too and warheads ICBM = Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, Minuteman III range 8,700 mile or 14,000 kilometer, but not travel as fast and unpredictable as hypersonic missiles. USA tested hypersonic missile Mach 5 speed of 3,800 miles per hour, range 2,000 miles in Pacific Ocean on June 28, 2024.

    Third war in human realm between global north USA led NATO and the global south led by Russia and China. Question: which one have more population, resources, endless of weapons production, and last the will to fight to defend their countries?

  2. आज से 1400 साल पहले हमारे पैग़मबर ने बता दिए था की खुरासान (ईरान का एक प्रान्त) से काले झंडे वही एक फ़ौज निकलेगी और येरुशलम को फतह करेगी, आज का मिडल ईस्ट का माहौल कुछ ऐसा हे लग रहा है और जल्द हे इजराइल नेस्ट नाबूत होने वाला है।

  3. Israel berlindung dibelakang AS apabila melakukan serangan keatas iran, apabila Iran membuat serangan balas Israel mengarahkan AS membantunya, pada dasarnya peperangan yang berlaku antara Israel melawan Iran, tetapi akan terjadi AS melawan Iran dibantu oleh Rusia, konflik begini akan menjadi dua kuasa besar akan bersemuka disana dimana AS akan melawan Rusia

  4. Russia ain't giving Iran nothing, there is nothing to spare they have now taken military charity from Iran twice and North Korea at least once. why would anyone believe Russia is sending Iran anything militarily is silly. And I'm not arguing rom a Political view I'm arguing from a Logistical Standpoint.
    Russia doesn't have a square to spare

  5. Iran, China, and Russia will control that part of the world. Whoever joins them will become invincible. Geographically and resources speaking . If Europe Joins unstoppable. They will control the planet.

  6. Israel is about to become a testing ground for war as ukraine n viva to mother russia n iran how israel will respond it will matter next how iran will respond because russia has already picked spots for iran to hit n it willl be devastating

  7. There are only two religions in the world which in their madness claim their empire over the whole world and want to establish their religious empire, one of which is Israeli Judaism and the other is Indian Hinduism.
    Israeli Jews want to create their Greater Israel in the Middle East, and Hindus want to create their own continent India in South Asia.
    And the mentality of both of them is the same, there is no difference in it.

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