Are green policies suffocating European aviation? | DW News

Are green policies suffocating European aviation? | DW News

Budget airlines are balking at fees imposed the German government. The politicians in Berlin say these are critical to the green transition, while the CEOs of these airlines are pointing to them as a reason that Germany’s aviation sector hasn’t bounced back to pre-pandemic levels. But with Ryanair and Eurowings pulling routes off the schedules, many are wondering if the era of cheap European flights is about to be grounded.


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  1. If aviation and its 2 percent of global C02 emissions upset "them" the 30 percent from food production will really get "them" upset. Here come ze bugz for our food.

  2. The good use for the jets is for politicians and the top 1% to use them to get places and then get drunk. This is the way – 99% of people working their a… off for that 1% to have the best life. This is literally the enslavement of humanity, not just some people, not just some countries but the whole humanity. It's really funny how the people who have the least are always the ones that pay the price of everything. Ecology my a..

  3. While British tourists can still afford trips to Prague for a night out, the foreign workers that Germany urgently needs are now struggling to afford flights. Yet Germany remains puzzled as to why it’s not attracting enough people!

  4. The solution for climate change according to this people: is to live as they did in the Middle Ages; but remember, that only applies for the regular citizens. Rich people and politicians can live however they see fit.

  5. It’s ridiculous to think that trains are the alternative in Germany, considering its chaotic unpredictable network. And between countries within Europe, if they are not in the vicinity of Germany is impractical to travel for business if you need travel 10h or more. And it’s not just increasing prices, it’s cutting routes and flight frequency. Also with European mobility there are a lot of people living in other countries and have families still in their home countries.

  6. Germany getting rid of nuclear power was a gift to the gas industry… and if wanting to make synth fuels as cheaply as possible (thermochemical conversion), you need nuclear using turbo heat upgrading. No matter, Germany can import synth fuels from other countries that can make them with nuclear power. See sulfur-iodine process and engineer John Bucknell's tech presentation "Nuclear Plant Economics & Synthetic Fuel."

  7. 3:06 is too manipulative generalization, let's not judge and decide for people what is a good and what is a bad use of fossil fuels. Me having pilsner in Prague is not justified, but others having travels to conferences that can be performed offline is alright, this won't work like that.

  8. Aviation only contributes 1.8% to climate change, incl freight and the high height effect. If all planes stayed on the ground tomorrow, we would still have 98.2% of the problem left.

  9. I'd prefer if we removed the subsidies on Kerosene first, that would most likely save even more. While we're at it, remove all other subsidies on air travel too. Let's see how cheap or expensive all this really is.

  10. Also a bit of the pushback is that low cost airlines are complaining that most of the restrictions are put on short haul flightsand not long haul even tho long haul generates more emissions per passenger. Without talking about the elephant in the room… private jets and they couldnt care less about this. We have to think about per person emissions a car pollutes more than a bus per person.

  11. All the climate activists and anyone dooming over this and wanting people to live like peasants and decrease their standard of living have never spent a semester in a STEM faculty

  12. It is not true what this guy is saying aviation especially low cost doesn’t pollute more co2 then driving the car. Both has similar co2 output 2 passengers in the car or 2 passengers in the plane. What is aviation co2 output? 49g? Car emits 100g or more on autobahn. If something should be banned is driving cars. With plane 4 times per year for holiday it is negligible emission comparing to people uselessly driving cars from suburbs to cities and making 30k km per year. It is like making 30 flights a year. I would say there is nothing wrong in climate getting warmer is so cold now in Central Europe in October. It would be nice to have 20 degrees instead of 9

  13. I need to visit my parents in other continent. They will elitize the flights, only rich people will be able to travel by plane and I bet the ones having private jets will not be affected . Eco activists are elite children.

  14. it would be much better and fair for all society if there is a number of flights everyone is allowed to get per year. Because in this way just the richer ll keep enjoying. Stop with private flights that cost 500k $ ,this must change!

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