New Age | Reflections on Gaza and 2024 US elections

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Hundreds of protesters blockade the New York Stock Exchange on October 13 to demand the US stops arming and funding Israel’s wars. | Democracy Now

I GET calls and emails from my old friends and editors of some of the newspapers and online portals who ask me if I am doing okay. When I tell them I am doing okay, they ask me why I have not been writing anymore. It is hard to explain why someone like me, who has hitherto been active since his college days and written on human rights violations almost non-stop every week for more than three decades, has chosen to remain silent on the latest crisis in the Middle East. My last essay on the problem with Zionism appeared nearly 10 months ago. That seems too long. Surely, they have genuine reasons to be concerned about my physical and mental health.

I tell them that I am tired and see myself defeated. I have lost the motivation to write.

Let me explain. Like so many other peace and human rights activists, I have enjoyed a life dedicated to peace, education, politics, and family. Whenever I could not physically participate in protest rallies that are aimed at making a better place for all to share and survive, I shared my activism through essays and speeches. That life has always been laced with the agony of watching what has happened to all those people with little or no voice of their own. In all such matters of suffering, I have seen the helpless Habils (Abel) of our world brutalised by the savage Kabils (Cain) of our world. Yes, there have been moments of celebration here and there, but they were either short-lived or too few and far between. There are more refugees today than any time before in the history of mankind.

But I was not prepared to witness anything like what I have been seeing and reading with the latest Israeli savagery. It is simply the worst that I have ever seen. No human being with a single atom of humanity could do what Bibi Netanyahu and the members of his racist and criminal government and its most unethical military—the IDF and marauding settlers—have been doing. It’s pure evil! There is no better way of putting it short and bitter.

Thanks to the mother of all evils, ie, the USA government providing all-out support in every way imaginable, the brutal Israeli government is not constrained by any international laws and rules. Karim Khan and ICJ can find Bibi guilty of genocide, but he remains untouched and unscathed and will not be put in the animal cage where he truly belongs. Israel is so much like the USA.

The Israel-USA Axis of Evil, along with its European Union partners, all with their respective genocidal histories of colonisation and persecution of the native population, have turned Gaza into rubbles. They are reciprocating the same savagery in Lebanon. Iran and Egypt, if I were to believe what Condoleezza Rice said in the PBS programme, ‘Firing Line’ on October 11, 2024, may be the next two Muslim countries on the list of Israeli destructive derby. Apparently, the pro-Zionist ‘Jewish Lobby’ and the military industrial complex want to broaden the war beyond the borders of Gaza and Lebanon. And these forces of utter darkness and pure evil are powerful and will remain so whether Kamala or Trump occupies the White House in 2025. They both, let alone the disgraced and the morally bankrupt ‘Amen Corner’, are sold to the Zionist cause of a Greater Israel that sees that the right moment has come under its seasoned Kabilite mass murderer to extend their illegal territories far beyond today’s border. Yes, the eastern part of Egypt (ie, east of the River Nile) and the southern part of Lebanon, the northern part of Saudi Arabia, and the entire Jordan and parts of Syria and Iraq are all part of that long-cherished Zionist dream and aspiration of Eretz Israel.

To these neo-Kabils of our time, Gaza is only a clinical lab for the US-Israel military-techno complex: surveillance, demolitions of entire infrastructure, indefinite incarcerations, and brutality of the high-tech tools of a settler-colonial enterprise. As Antony Lowenstein, an Australian journalist whose grandparents were liquidated at Auschwitz, has summarised lately, the Occupied Palestine has become a testing ground for the weaponry and surveillance technology. The information is then exported to despots and democracies around the globe, from India to the USA, on how to control an ‘enemy’ population (as in Kashmir and elsewhere). Israel has become a global tech leader in all such matters relating to destruction, colonisation, and dehumanisation of people, the Habils of our world. These include the Pegasus software, the explosive pagers and smart phones with deadly chips that can be detonated with a code, the drones and weapons that are sold to all those — from the Myanmar junta to Modi’s India to Zelensky’s Ukraine, let alone the despots in the Middle East and other parts of our world.

Thus, to all these evil entities of our time, individuals are nothing more than numbers, especially when it comes to the Habils. The genocide of more than 42,000 innocent Palestinians (by the way, the actual casualty figures are believed to be more than a hundred thousand) and injury of more than 100,000 people — those are just numbers. Forgotten there is the fact that each one of those Habils had a family and a story of their own to tell and for us to listen to that is no less worthy than those killed in the Auschwitz and surely no less important than the Jewish victims on the other side of the barbed wires of Gaza. But the morally bankrupt western media, sold to the evil Jewish Lobby, will only tell the stories of those partygoers in the kibbutz, enjoying music, while the stories of the real victims, children and elderly, including the medics and journalists, are absent from their biased reporting. They won’t say that the very place where those so-called music lovers were partying was illegally annexed from those Palestinians living in Gaza and that the state of Israel itself was born in sin.

Obviously, to Christian Zionists like Genocide Joe (i.e., president Joe Biden), if there were no Israel, this cancer had to be grown in the heart of the Middle East to bring about the second coming of Jesus. Thus, from the very beginning of this crisis, the Biden administration has been a party to war crimes. If he were a man of conscience who cares about the future of our world, he could have stopped this genocide anytime. But he refused to do so. He continues to find excuses for the apartheid state and its litany of crimes. His government’s round-the-clock immoral support in the UNSC has simply emboldened Bibi to carry on the devil’s task of redrawing the map of the territory, long dreamt by Zionist colonizers. What Israel is doing is not war. It is a massacre. It is genocide. It is unfair and unjust. It is bound to harm US interests globally.

Is Kamala Harris any different in such a sellout to the Jewish Lobby? No. Like her war criminal boss, she wants to expand the war to not only Lebanon but also to Iran. She will be no better than Genocide Joe and perhaps worse than Trump. After all, a smiling devil is worse than a grumpy devil.

I don’t know if I would live long enough to see the trial of these Kabils in the Hague for their crimes against humanity, aiding and abetting genocide. They surely deserve it, as they are already condemned in the court of humanity.

American government has no moral compass. In the global arena, it is tolerated but respected by none. And history says an empire without conscience is a lost empire. It is like a sinking ship.

The young generation of Americans, i.e., the meta-modernists of our time, can surely stop the sinking of this American ship by replacing its drunk and uncaring captain and the crew with capable and caring people.

Let the American voters send a loud message in the 2024 elections by saying no to the coteries of an evil establishment that promotes war and destruction. Let them vote for conscience and not those who sponsor and promote genocide.

On my part, I am not voting for either Kamala or Trump. I shall vote for the Green Party, which genuinely cares about people and our planet. I hope other conscientious Americans join me, too.


Dr Habib Siddiqui is a peace and human rights activist who lives in the USA. His book, ‘Bangladesh: a polarized and divided nation?’ is available on

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