Strengthening EU-Africa Cooperation in Space

29 October | 13:15-14:30 | New York UN HQ, CONFERENCE ROOM 7


This side event will explore the expanding collaboration between the EU and Africa in the space sector, focusing on how Satellite Navigation and Earth Observation are key tools to address common challenges and drive progress in both continents. Space cooperation has become a strategic dimension of EU-Africa relations not only to address common societal challenges but also in diplomacy. The event will highlight how these partnerships promote the use of space for peaceful international cooperation, contributing to global stability and security. The discussion will emphasize the importance of these partnerships in building a resilient and sustainable future for both Europe and Africa and to strengthening ties, in line with the spirit of EU-Africa Cooperation. Speakers from both continents will showcase successful joint initiatives, and the potential for expanding synergies.




General Introduction – Marjolijn VAN DEELEN, EU Special Envoy for Space, European External Action Service
The EU Space Programme : Jolanda VAN EIJNDTHOVEN, Head of Unit, Space Data Economy and International Cooperation, European Commission
EU-Africa cooperation on GNSS. The case of ANGA: Mohamed MOUSSA, Director-General, ASECNA
EU-Africa cooperation on EO and the African users perspective: Kamal LABBASSI, President of AARSE, African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment
Space Downstream Applications and potential in Africa: Fiametta DIANI, Head of Market, Downstream and Innovation, European Union Space Programme Agency




At the African Union – European Union Summit in 2023, leaders from both continents reinforced the focus on space as a major area of cooperation.
Africa and Europe have collaborated for over 20 years on Earth Observation under the GMES and Africa programme, supporting information services, data access, and training and through satellite data exchange arrangements.
Since 2010, Africa and Europe have collaborated on implementing the EGNOS-based Satellite Augmentation System for Africa (ANGA) with ASECNA. The SatNav Joint Programme Office programme aims to extend ANGA’s benefits to all of sub-Saharan Africa.


REGISTRATION: Please confirm your attendance via the following link.

If you haven’t registered, you are still welcome to join us at the event in ROOM 7

LUNCH will be available