Climate change is an existential threat to humanity, threatening our very ability to continue to sustain life on earth, we’re constantly told. Everything from typical hurricane activity to a moderately warm day in July is blamed on climate change by financially interested “experts” and their media partners.

So you’d assume that organizations claiming to “fight” climate change would keep track of where their billions of dollars in funding was going, right? Wrong.

The World Bank, a Washington D.C.-based organization, reportedly lost track of anywhere from $24 to $41 billion in funds supposedly allocated for climate change research. $24 to $41 billion dollars. Gone.

An investigation by Oxfam found that “poor record-keeping practices” and “a lack of traceable spending” led to a disastrous lack of transparency. According to a World Bank source speaking to the New York Post, even that $24-41 billion figure could be completely inaccurate. That source said it “could be twice or 10 times more.”

“All the figures are routinely made up,” the source explained. “Nobody has a clue about who spends what.”

Sounds exactly like what you’d expect from the “climate change” lobby.

Climate Change Funds Probably Aren’t Actually Missing

The Post also got comments from Nile Gardiner, the director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation, who expressed the proper amount of frustration. 

“This is an outrageous waste of US taxpayers money on a useless woke political cause. It is an insult to the American people,” Gardiner said. “The World Bank and all international institutions need to be fully held to account. Vast amounts of wasteful spending on left-wing, progressive causes is fundamentally against the US national interest.”

It’s not just the World Bank; the billions of dollars wasted on “climate” research has proven to be utterly useless and woefully wasteful. But this particular incident is yet another example of how consistently left-wing causes become black boxes for financial waste.

The Black Lives Matter organization has been rocked by a series of scandals in which officials used funds for their own personal benefit. It’d be stunning if the same exact scenario didn’t play out with the World Bank too. 

If these issues were as life and species threatening as activists like to claim, funding would actually be directed towards addressing them. Instead, the money magically disappears. They’re telling us how little they actually care. And how little we should care too.