From 2 to 5 October 2024, the Director General of the NATO International Military Staff (DGIMS), Lieutenant General Janusz Adamczak visited NATO Partner Armenia. While in Yerevan, he met with military leaders and senior officials. Their discussions included military cooperation, defence reform and how to strengthen regional security and stability.

NATO and Armenia have a long-standing Partnership, for 30 years, since Armenia joined the Partnership for Peace in 1994. For nearly 20 years, Armenia has also been a key partner in NATO’s KFOR peacekeeping mission, helping to ensure a safe and secure environment for all communities in Kosovo. During his visit LTG Adamczak underscored the importance of this contribution. “We welcome Armenia’s increased level of cooperation with NATO over the past two years. That includes additional troop contributions to our KFOR mission in Kosovo,” said Lieutenant General Janusz Adamczak.

In his meeting with Lt. General Edvard Asryan, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Armenia, LTG Adamczak highlighted that NATO is ready to develop the Partnership with Armenia. “We are developing a new framework for our cooperation with a special focus on defence education, defence reform, interoperability, resilience and public diplomacy,” LTG Adamczak added. In his speech in the Military Academy in Yerevan he focused on NATO’s reinforcement of collective defence, while also outlining the way ahead for military cooperation between Armenia and NATO. “Your dedication as a NATO Partner to our operations, missions and activities shows that military cooperation between NATO and its Partners is mutually beneficial,” LTG Adamczak, said in his address.

While in Yerevan, the Director General of the NATO International Military Staff also discussed Russia’s war on Ukraine with his Armenian hosts, condemning the illegal Russian aggression and calling for support and solidarity with Ukraine.