In a recent letter, Harvey Perry again advocated for removing the Potter Hill Dam. He claimed that his many environmentalist allies will soon present the “true facts” about the issue. And he’s targeted some good Town Council candidates who aren’t on board with his views. But it’s not that simple. That letter unfairly misrepresented the candidates, and it distorted the issues. And several of Perry’s claimed “true facts” are untrue.

All want better fish migration. But, a few environmental purists want to see the river the way it was two hundred years ago — no matter the harm. Most of Perry’s allies are outsiders. They don’t care that proposed dam removal would irrevocably harm those who actually live near the river — people for whom they’ve repeatedly shown contempt.

They don’t care that their beloved fish problem can be solved by keeping the dam and building an excellent fish ladder. Like Shannock did. A Shannock that’s in legal compliance. With a fish ladder that’s lauded by NOAA’s regional agent.

They don’t care that the bordering town of Hopkinton sent Westerly a resolution against dam removal last year.

They don’t care that lowering water levels would endanger recreational boating. One environmentalist even told us that motorboats in the area are “poor river stewardship.” Would her organization also remove motorboats from the Lower Pawcatuck? From Napatree?

They don’t even care that lowering the river waters would harm lots of our precious wetlands.

This proposal has been slicked through so far by less than honest maneuvering. And with repeated misrepresentations to the public. Such as false claims of flood protection, when data show slightly increased flood risk from dam removal. Or false claims of imminent dam failure, when direct underwater inspection showed a solid dam on solid bedrock. And that the state has designated the dam as “low risk.” Or claims that a consultant they picked for us is solely working for us.

Even if the dam removers do, for once, decide to state the “true facts,” they would be incomplete. Because in their zeal, they haven’t cleared their proposal’s loss of wetlands and the slightly increased downriver flood risks with the required government agencies. Given the misinformation and given the neglect to date, it would be derelict to go forward towards dam removal.

Mr. Perry has also targeted those council candidates who have taken a position against his desired dam removal. Good candidates who have stood up for the afflicted neighbors. Unbiased candidates who I believe would be happy to help Perry’s fish with a state-of-the-art fish ladder and who would repair the solid dam’s broken wooden sluice gate and downside spillway. Capable candidates who can assert themselves and negotiate a much better deal for Westerly. I’ll vote for every one of these: Chris Duhamel, Mary Scialabba, Mike Niemeyer, Robert Lombardo, Frederick Provost, and James Nicholas.

And I hope they care about the untruth of many of the environmental purists’ “true facts.”

Philo Willetts
