Guess what? It’s Saturday! What are you doing today? Exciting plans, not-so-exciting plans, whatever you’re doing, let us know!

by KevinPhillips-Bong

  1. Just got an email from Amazon that I saved money on my Sonic Generations preorder. Being refunded 50p. Whoooo!

    Nice walk this morning. Saw a couple of herons along the river. Caught video of one taking a short flight. Fed the forbidden waterfowl. Fed pigeons. Just relaxing with a coffee now.

  2. Currently nursing a hangover, hardly drink these days and I’ve remembered why! Then going to football for 3. Quiet one tonight for sure

  3. I’m making final preparations for Ironman Marbella tomorrow – my fourth half distance triathlon and first since heart issues a couple of years ago.

    Prep and rack bike, prep run gear, eat loads and stay off my feet as much as I can!

  4. Mother in law is having a halloween party. Yay. On a seperate note i think i am coming down with something.

  5. Making a stew that will feed me for the whole weekend.

    Gonna get some wine to go with it.

    Might have an afternoon nap as well.

    That’s basically it.

  6. Went to an Oktoberfest thing last night in London with friends, I have a doozy of a hangover just feeling pukey all the time but the alka setza is kicking in.

    Purposely didn’t book anything incase we felt like death as we toyed with the idea of trying to go to comicon but that’s definitely not happening now.

    Might go and see the new transformers movie, have lunch somewhere in London and buy a nice lush bath bomb before getting the train home. I plan to do absolutely nothing tomorrow

  7. Working. Feeling like I might die. (Partially still being ill and working weekends…not for long at least)

  8. First day of the half term.

    The weather looks a bit shit but I’ll go out for a coffee at some point.


  9. I’m actually taking a half term trip to Majorca. Currently sat in a villa but it’s absolutely pissing it down. Reading some Brandon Sanderson and chilling.

  10. People in our Asda were going mad over the chocolate tub offer this morning. Not seen anything like it since the big sick.

    You can get Black Ops 6 for £40 if you use the voucher from the app. I’m not buying the game so if anyone wants it let me know.

  11. I don’t half want to hibernate. Just cosy up with pillows and duvets and soup and books, and not leave the flat until the crocuses come out. Lovely. Instead I will be going to see my mum, coming home for lunch, then watching the footie (we will win today), then going to feed my mum’s cat and give her a lot of fuss, then come home again.

    I deliberately got up early today so that when the clocks go back I won’t just get one extra hour in bed, I’ll get two! Seemed like a good idea at the time but I expect my body and/or cat will have other ideas.

  12. Off to do the weekly shop plus bringing in some booze and snacks as having friends round tonight. Gotta do a quick clean before they come tho so not looking forward to that

  13. Had 2 and half pints last night. Hungover this morning. Gone are the days I could drink all night and still make it to work in the morning scot-free.

  14. Writing this list for accountability so I don’t spend the whole day in my Oodie on the sofa!

    Going into town to get some things for my boyfriend’s birthday. Also some knitting supplies to keep my brain busy this winter.

    Then I’m going to study for my practical driving test. I really don’t want to fail, so I’ll try to memorise some theory behind the practical. Because my brain doesn’t understand practical. I was the last person in my entire year group to pass the cycling proficiency test lol.

    Err yeah, probably some other stuff too. We’ve been rewatching the Harry Potter movies. I think it’s Half-Blood Prince tonight.

  15. I promised myself a nice fryup today. Got all the ingredients yesterday, so I’ll be cracking on with that after taking the dogs for a walk.

  16. Getting the wet vac out of the garage to clear all the water out of the washing machine after it finished the wash cycle but refused to spin and drain. Then I have to find the blockage (hopefully) or, it’s not blocked in one of the 3 possible places then I will have to get the drain motor replaced. The problem with motor replacement is that half of the kitchen will have to be dismantled to get the damn machine out.

  17. Took a different route for running this morning, also went to my local Asda was it wasn’t far to get this infamous **Black Ops 6**.

    I was mad busy at work yesterday and i could not go to Asda but i found out on my visit today at my local Asda, they were sold out early on Friday. Mass crowds of people fighting over tubs of chocolate.

    At this rate it’s becoming more of a goose chase as I cannot get my hands yet on a copy for £40.

    Why can’t other stores do this offer like the good ol’ days?

    Anyway, plans for today, mostly relax and do some gaming due to intense week at work. I will dust off and play **MWII (2022) Multiplayer**. May call up another Asda store which is in town centre and see if they got any in stock. The funny thing is the offer ends tomorrow.

    This evening I don’t feel going out, not keen on halloween themed club events and none of my close friends are into it so i’ll pass. Instead I’m having a delicious homemade Chicken curry and watch a horror film to get into spirit of Halloween 😉 woooo!

  18. Just got home from the morning walk. Once the fog cleared it turned into the nicest day in months. Why wasn’t the summer like this?

  19. I’ve heading out to the park to grab a coffee at the cafe and walk round the lake and go mushroom hunting. I don’t want to pick any, I just want to take some nice pictures and say I saw some nice pictures. Then I’m cosy up and knit while watching YouTube or listen to my audio book

  20. I’m going to be sitting around eating chocolates and feeling sorry for myself having lost my voice still from covid two weeks ago while my husband plays the new Call of Duty

  21. Skatepark session first thing, followed by skatepark session for child #1 on his balance bike. Now out on dog walk. It’s not even noon and my legs are done.

    Will eat all the carbs for lunch, then hopefully a sit down and a cup of tea.

  22. I got a much nicer wage than usual this month so I’m treating myself. A lovely new houndstooth trackie top and gilet have been ordered once I finally made the choice between zinc or cobalt blue. Got an event with the lads tonight but that should be pretty cheap as this one is actually local and my ticket has already been paid for. Sunday will be spent quietly recovering and I’m getting myself booked in for my first Thai massage in 6 months on Monday.

  23. Selling our house 🙂 Just waiting for the estate agent to come and collect our keys so we can go out for a couple of hours and let her get on

  24. I went out to pick up a thing I bought on Facebook marketplace. Picked up ingredients on the way home and made Eggs Benedict for my wife and me. Later on we might go visit a friend who is selling at a makers’ fair in Peckham.

  25. Woke up at 6am to feed to cats, had a coffee and thought I’m going back to bed! 

    It’s now lunchtime! How did that happen? 

    My brain was pondering some odd stuff while sleeping, such as: 

    What would Alien biology look like, would they have a heart in the same place as us? 
    Would they sleep and for how long? 
    Would they yawn? 

    Great sleep though! 

  26. My left shoulder blade is absolute agony. I think I slept on it funny come Thursday morning. But just gonna chill as I’m off until the 4th now 😁

  27. I’m on my way to York! Hoping my wonkyness holds off as my hotel only has a shower and that doesn’t cut it for pain relief. Going to buy silly things that make me happy, tasty food that makes me happy and generally do a happy.

  28. Went to a youth football tournament, now relaxing on the sofa with my cat and drinking a lemon and ginger tea because I have a cold that’s giving me a really dry throat.

  29. UFC 308 today! Absolutely fire card, one of the best of the year. And it starts at a decent time for us here, can’t fecking wait.

  30. I’m on hour four of my hair appointment so doom scrolling Reddit and chatting to my hair dresser. 

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