What is said to be a russian training ground now has ISU-152, T-34-85 and IS-2 tanks.

by Hannibal_Game

  1. I got to admit: as a tank nerd, I would love to see those in action!
    Not against Ukraine, but in general. Astounding, however, that and if Russians have keept some of those in working conditions, or restored.

  2. Anyone that pushes this false rhetoric regarding “russia is winning this war” needs to look at the videos the russians post them self. Their equipment gets older (by tech) every day. This was a training ground. Look at Ukraine’s training videos. Mostly Leppards, Abrams, and more West tech that is slowly trickling in.

    Let’s say (hypothetically because Ukraine tries to send properly trained soldiers) these russians, training here, will go up against Ukrainian training now. Anyone with common sense can see it will end badly for the russian regime.

    What about 1 year from now? Ukraine finished training a full battalion. That battalion will go up against poorly trained russians with even older equipment. Keep the faith in these Ukrainian heroes that are putting their lives on the line to keep democracy alive and just for the right to exist. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 🇨🇦.

  3. Finally, the t-34 enters this conflict. I was waiting for that to happen. Ruzzia is officially scraping the bottom of the barrel. If they don’t have modern tanks to train people on it means they don’t have modern tanks to train people on. In a couple of months, hopefully, there will be a Ukrainian that gets a t34 kill.

  4. “This is your turret, this is your gun. This ones for turning this ones for fun”.

    Really, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are using these for rudimentary training. Not driving around and firing the weapons. Rather to point out the various parts of a tank. Why various parts need service and how to do that. Then if they get newly refurbed or even new gear, they will be suitably impressed by the electronics and how “modern” they are. Then they will charge into battle fearlessly.

  5. If you are infantry a tank is still a tank. Sure it’s not a modern one but it still has armor and a big gun, so not to be underestimatedz

  6. Maybe they have the same deiving mechanics as new tanks and are used to train driver haha idk.

  7. I highly doubt the Russians would actually train on these old tanks. They are not comparable to modern tanks and I doubt there are enough T-34s, IS-2s and ISUs left to consider training people on them in preparation for fielding those tanks.

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