Jailed Iraqi goat herder is a parable of Britain’s broken asylum system


by ParkedUpWithCoffee

  1. The ECHR will prevent his removal. It will costs hundreds of thousands for the ECHR to prevent this.

    Leave the ECHR, create a British Court of Human Rights, like other countries across the world, and don’t allow outdated laws like these in to be abused.

  2. Usefulness should factor into asylum applications. There is no value in taking in Iraqi goat herders who speak no English regardless of what their reason to be here is. If you have no useful application or potential then it should be back to Iraq immediately.

  3. No doubt this will be spun in some circles as: “Innovative entrepreneur’s attempt to cut through red tape to create economic activity savagely stopped by the pigs”

  4. Why are politicians and the civil service allowing this to happen? Are they so lost in their own disconnect with reality? In what other country do they allow these type of people to stay?

  5. I find it very interesting that the mods consider this story to be worthy of serious discussion on the sub, but not other stories that aren’t about evil immigrants 5 times a day.

    It’s almost like an agenda is being pushed or something.

  6. It’s a total joke. I’m all for the well-being of others and it would be nice to be able to provide sanctuary to all who came here but we physically cannot.

    I’m all for ending all asylum full stop. Plenty of other countries will take the genuinely needy. If that involved pulling out of various international treaties then so be it.

  7. Not to be a bleeding heart liberal, but have we considered that asylum seekers may not turn to criminal activity if we didn’t keep them trapped in shitty circumstances indefinitely?

    You arrive and apply for asylum, you get put up in an asylum hotel (often on the edge of a deprived town where many locals hate your guts on principle) you’re given £1.27 a day for toiletries, clothes and other essentials, you’re not allowed to work, and you’re told a decision will be made… at some point? But not for a long time because past governments have deliberately built up a backlog of asylum cases rather than processing them efficiently. You might be waiting for six months, or maybe over a year.

    And then when your asylum claim is finally granted you have 28 days to find a job and accommodation before you’re turfed out of the asylum hotel and lose your meagre asylum payment. If you can’t get yourself sorted that fast you’re screwed, because it takes eight weeks to get signed up for universal credit just like it does for everyone else.

    If you didn’t spend *any* of your weekly payments on *anything* for a year, at maximum you’d have been able to save up £460.72 to try to sustain yourself for a month between your support being withdrawn and being able to apply for benefits.

    Plenty of native born British people turn to dealing drugs in far more fortunate circumstances.

  8. We are a tiny island and we seem to take anyone. Australia is fucking baron in comparison and you need fucking qualifications to migrate there

  9. When people come here seeking a better life and they break our laws, it should be an automatic goodbye.
    Now I know some people won’t like what I said and call me a facist or a racist.
    To those people I say go and do the same over there and see you get on

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