Maybe the DDR wasnt that bad.

by TheBlackMessenger

  1. Bill and Barry didn’t let Hans have his little vacation camps so he had to find other ways to make people’s lives miserable.

  2. I think it was… people were always trying to cross it oneway and that wasn’t towards the DDR, but i’m probably wrong.

  3. Pointing to something fucked up in Western Germany doesn’t make Eastern Germany some sort of Utopia, it was a shithole.

    This meme just proves that Germany in general is fucked, which is something that has been known for years outside of Germany.

  4. Yes for sure. Let’s just go back to good old Sippenhaft in the DDR, when whole families were locked away after their relatives had fled this socialist paradise. And if this doesn’t tickle your fancy, can I offer you a fine stasi attraction called “unerwarteter Nahschuss” with follow-on cremation? A very wholesome style of surprise execution mainly used on political dissidents (

  5. On the reverse children were disappearing in the DDR and the government doesn’t let the parents know where their kids are 🫠

  6. No, but a few things were better and this is one of them. We definitely should have kept the DDR anthem around for sure. 

  7. I enjoy how russian propaganda always demolishes nuance like a bulldozer and turns everything into pure binary. West Germany did something bad so DDR was better.

    Except that DDR was quite awful for a lot of people, but look what West was doing!!!!

  8. Except for political prisoners, border executions, nonexistent free press and no freedom at all…

    Yes, maybe was not that bad.

  9. Just because the BRD did terrible things does not mean the DDR was good, far from it. There is a reason they needed a wall.

  10. Well, if you have bunch of kids, who are all German, and you need to find someone to love them.

  11. No, it was. That’s why the Communist built a wall to stop people from coming over from the West but only had to shoot people running from the East.

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