Russian troops walking up forest/trench-line after combat. Mostly dead Russians from varying time-periods. Horrific and WW1 level.

by Aggravating_Set_8861

  1. There’s only a limited amount of Russians that are going to willingly go face-tank this war. Yes, they have a large population, but man… no Western nation would keep this up at such high costs. I’m pretty glad we invested so heavily into a formidable air force, so that the ground-guys can avoid taking the brunt of the hit.

  2. I don’t see dead Russian soldiers… Rather I see Stars from Ukrainian FPV Snuff Videos…

  3. There were a couple videos like this from last fall. Is this archival or a new one? One of those videos looks a lot like this one.

  4. In WW1, artillery strikes would churn up bodies that had been buried by previous artillery fire. Men digging new trenches would often stick their shovels into rotting corpses.

  5. Shame about the trees, still I guess they will grow back soon enough. The rest of the flytipping is going to take some clearing up once the Ukes take it back.

  6. It seems their enemy knows where this trench is, and are pretty good at hitting it; I think I’d forgo being in this area at all.

  7. I’ve just come up with an idea that could make me millions. Self contained body bags! Imagine the benefit of incorporating a body bag into Russian uniforms. That way if you know you have been wounded, you could unzip the pouch (let’s attach it to the fake body armor), pull out the bag, roll yourself into it and then finish yourself off. If you die before breaking out your “final resting place transportation device” at least it will be close by so that the guy on a random stroll can roll your dead husk into it.

    Checking with patent office now…

  8. There is going to be a glut by of reconditioned AKs from Ukrainian vendors when they finally tidy up these Orcs.

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