What did Elon Musk promise Putin? — Ukrainian Toronto Television

by KateKozakDrive

  1. Not only what did he promise, but what did he give (information)?

    Also, I think all of this circles back to Epstein’s list/records. Notice how only the flight logs have come out. Nothing like phone records or correspondence like emails or text. Epstein was financed by Putin to gather kompromat (likely video) of all his buddies raping little girls. Putin has the video. That’s why they all want to gargle his balls.

  2. It will be seriously beneficial for Elon to have Putin as a customer; something he is not allowed to do with current sanctions

  3. Elon says he hates trans people so much, but if he keeps fucking around he’s going to transition from Elon to Felon.

  4. I would look for correlations between locations of starlink dishes and front line glide bomb targets

  5. I think he’s just an asshole who’s bought into the ‘saving western civilisation’ bullshit that’s so prevalent in right wing fanatical circles. He’s best buddies with Thiel who is, at best, a psychopath and probably genuinely believes that he’s the last chance for humanity.

  6. Musk is neither pro-Ukrainian, or pro-Russian. He’s not even really pro-American. When Musk talks to Putin, he absolutely will sell out Ukraine if it furthered his interests. But he’s just as likely to sell out Russia if it furthers his interest.

    Must cares about two things. Money and Mars.

    **Money and Starlink**: Russia was the *perfect* market for Starlink when the project was first conceived. It’s a vast region, most of which has no developed terrestrial communications infrastructure. Australia and South America are also good markets. The US and western Europe are horrible markets for Starlink because extensive terrestrial infrastructure already exists.

    But of course, the world has changed since Starlink was first conceived. Russia is no longer a valid market for Starlink, and even worse, Russia is one of the few nations which can actually destroy or disrupt Starlink satellites.

    **Mars**: Colonizing Mars is unrealistic. On some level Musk probably already realizes this, but he’s in too deep. Russia still has an advanced space program. It’s fine to mock Russian technology, but the fact remains, even with SpaceX as an option, US astronauts still routinely travel to and from the ISS in Russian Soyuz.

    This second reason for placating Putin (space travel) is probably less important than Musk’s first reason (money), but it’s still a factor.

  7. What do the people of the Ukrainian Toronto Community think of the Ukraine-Russia conflict?

    Some Canadians writing on Youtube are absolute anti-Ukraine in their comments.

  8. Felon Musk wants to hang out with Pootin because Pootin is probably actually the richest person on the planet with all the wealth of a nation he has stolen and the lil rich boy thinks Pootin is one way to make himself even richer.

  9. Are there any existing or upcoming satellite internet alternatives to Starlink? The Ukrainian, EU and US governments really should look into alternatives and not be reliant on one potentially unreliable provider.

  10. I reckon nothing, but Putin did put some poison in his tea or biscuit when they talked, which made him dumber and rather open to suggestions. Add to that some KGB manipulation methods, and there you have it.

    All this idiocy of Musk’s started around that time. Doing drugs, buying Twitter, backing a fascist, you name it.

  11. I trust this despicable klown is being investigated for Logan Act violations and for OFAC sanction evasion.

  12. Can you imagine how easy it is for Elon to pass real-time data to Putin? But I’m sure that’s not happening

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