Iran’s Khamenei seriously ill, son likely to be successor as supreme leader – NYT

  1. Got to wonder if the Guardian Council is going to have a meeting at a known time and place when they’ve already seen that Iran doesn’t have any air defenses against Israel. Taking out the fanatics there would still leave the Majlis under control of the other fanatics, of course.

  2. Nothing quite like a story about a major religious leader on his death bed interspersed with ads for erectile dysfunction pills!

  3. Too much radioactive gases made him seriously ill… Time for disarmament Iran

    The world doe not believe in MAD.

    Be with the world order.

  4. This is honestly the perfect time for the Iranian people to take their country back. Fuck that regime and everything they stand for. Iranians deserve better.

  5. All hail the Grand Poobah of Persia. In his rush back to the dark ages he seems to have forgotten about installing an air defence system – or the Israelis have probably hacked that too 🤣

  6. Wait… is it possible that Israel deleted him in the strikes yesterday and this is just them covering for it?

  7. Assuming it is true, this is actually really clever timing. Iran probably doesn’t want to strike back at Israel because they know a full blown war would be bad. But, they can’t lose face either.

    Therefore, they leak that Khamenei is really ill/sick and they need a new leader, distracting the people from the attack. Now they don’t have to retaliate and save face by making this, the leaders illness and subsequent successor, the most important issue. And they can play off not retaliating by saying they have more important things to worry about.


  8. Two years ago Putin was said to have terminal cancer… I won’t hold my breath on this one

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