First person footage of Russian soldiers driving a Desertcross 1000-3 while unsuccessfully trying to shoot down an incoming FPV drone which then hits their vehicle, east of Zhelanne, Donetsk Oblast

by CupCharacter853

  1. That older dude has no clue what is happening…I wonder if he is from a colony or something…

  2. I would just like to make the point that that is not normal. Some Desertcross 1000-3s are built so you don’t fall off the front. That’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.

  3. Do you think those two people in brown coats at the end were always sitting there or did they just flee from the back and sit down there after getting hit?  And how about that old man, do you think he’s maybe being used as a human shield?  I have so many questions about this crazy video.  Okay, just the two really.

  4. He really tried to jump out to avoid the drone.. in *front* of the moving vehicle. No brakes were used in this video just first guys thick skull stopping the vehicle.

  5. He didn’t jump off.

    They spotted a drone following. So they tried to speed away. Which wasn’t working, of course. One guy in the back started shooting at it and ran out of ammo. (probably reloading). Another guy was riding on the dashboard. He grabbed one of 2 AKs. Started shooting at the drone. He also ran out. So he ducked down and started reloading.

    Unfortunately he wasn’t holding anything. (the buggy also slowed down for whatever reason) And he fell off backward.

    Edit: The other AK that was still in the tire-hole was probably his. Or at least he was wearing that other AK’s sling around his neck. When he fell backward, the sling tried to save him (could only save his upper body). One leg got ran over and twisted backward. I imagine broken spine in quite a few places. And probably snapped the neck too; not ran over but snapped backward by the sling.

    He’s still alive. If spinal cord is not damaged way high up, he could probably make it out alive but with permanent lower-body-paralyzed.

  6. weird video.

    – guy falls off at 4 sec mark, as you can see in the mirror, nobody considers stopping

    – guy jumps off the cart in front of it, apparently in an attempt to get run over? Before the explosion

    – dudes sitting at the road side watching calmly at *exactly* the place where the vehicle is hit and had to stop. Obviously got the best tickets for the show lol

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