New York Times

Posted by DriftlessDairy

  1. That’s their opinion page. In there news section they will sane wash his evil musings, and explain what he really meant, while leaving out the batshit crazy things he said.

  2. People answer when they’re asked, how did the nazis gain power?
    “It’s because no one spoke up!”

    No, absolutely not. As I have learned firsthand, it is not because of any of that.

    They gained power by convincing people to distrust the institutions that would warn them. To disbelieve evidence that would warn them. To live in a separate reality.

    The only way for them to be broken of this curse, if it is at all possible, is for those they believe to be infallible to hurt them directly. They need to be unquestionably guilty of causing them direct harm. Not in reality, but in their own mind.

    You can throw logic, facts, proof, and even words of the cult leader himself directly at them. They won’t budge.

    But if they feel hurt by something he done. If their faith is shaken, they might come out of it.

    However, if this has happened to them, and they only doubled down. They are lost.

  3. Vance defended all this shit last night in an interview, Vance and Trump = two good reasons to vote.

  4. His stupid supporters believe they won’t be impacted by their hero. Tears will flow when MAGATs suffer.

  5. I’m not too sure the soldiers will do his bidding…They swore to defend the constitution not an overaged, overweight clown bent on destroying America..Don’t sell our military short, they will be the line of defense

  6. Is this the paper that Bezos wouldn’t let them run an endorsement of Harris?

    well they still get points for running this opinion piece

  7. This smacks of “we personally forced the old guy out and now it’s uncomfortably close so we need to do something” vibes

  8. Props to the NYT for this at least. Prob too little too late. At least they didn’t get Bezoed. F-ing Bezos. 

  9. When people tell you who they are, believe them.

    Sadly there is a portion of us that want what he’s offering.

  10. *If only Journalists has been this brave after  9/11, none of this would be happened.*

    Heck, if they’d just said “No!” to Ford pardoning Nixon things would be better everywhere.

  11. Chilling reminder of what’s at stake. Words matter—believe him when he says who he is.

  12. The rise of authoritarianism often occurs in small, seemingly rational steps, only becoming obvious in hindsight.

  13. His voters already believe him- they want those things to happen as long as it’s not them

  14. Given that we know he lies about everything, why should we believe him now? Because this time his cronies around him will unabashedly kneel for him and he’ll bring out the closet members who believe party over ‘we the people’ in the military. That’s my greatest fear:warriors who won’t defend the Constitution over this truly American hating Russian loving useful idiot.

  15. Oh wow, the NYT is finally going anti trump. Truly masterful journalism after 4 years of seemingly supporting him

  16. #Imagine if the headline read: “Donald Trump to Use Soldiers Against Citizens” BEFORE the fold line. I wonder if this was done intentionally.

    #The first two lines could be brushed off by conservatives as liberals just bloviating. ‘Go after enemies and deport people’… “yeah nothing to see here marge.”

  17. I’ve been hovering over the “cancel subscription” button for NYT all year, never quite pressing it because of occasional moments of clarity like these.

  18. A good chunk of this country would gladly watch soldiers round up their neighbors and send them to camps if they thought it would get them cheaper groceries.

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