I want to understand how the average German view their harmonica history. For me as a harmonica player Germany is pretty central, but does the average German know much about harmonicas – and in particular are you aware of the historical importance of Seydel?

by woelneberg

  1. Correct me if i’m wrong, but that kind of knowledge would be quite specific in any country, i think.

  2. As an average German I can tell you that my knowledge of the harmonica is negligible. It’s not a topic that often comes up or even at all. 

  3. Harmonicas are niche everywhere. Even more so in Germany, since we don’t have a big country and folk music tradition that uses it.

  4. yes very often ofc, when i go to the Büro my and my Kollegen talk about Harmonica history, over our morning beer. /s

  5. I have heard of neither Hohner nor Seydel and that’s even though I would say that I have more instrument and musical knowledge than the vast majority of germans.

    Edit: I just checked and the one harmonica I own (but haven’t used in 10 years and inherited from my grandfather) is a Seydel one.

  6. I am German and casually play harmonica at jams as my third instrument. Don’t really care about the history. Bit weird since I have a history degree I guess lol. Bought a set of special 20s 12 years ago and that’s about it.

    I also have that Seydel with the Orange plastic parts tho but don’t really like the sound.

  7. No. All an average German knows about harmonica is that it is an instrument and that’s it.

  8. One guy claimed to be the first inventor of the harmonica, is from Uder, Landkreis Eichsfeld, where my parents are from. He did not market his invention, however, and most notions of it are lost to history. (This claim may also be disputed as there are multiple people viewed as the *inventor* of this instrument)

  9. Please show me this amazing country where historical facts about any instrument whatsoever is general public knowledge.

    Most people wouldn’t know what a steinway or a stradivarius is and those do occasionally pop up in mainstream media.

  10. I know many people from many countries, and I have to admit that all of us have a quite limited knowledge about harmonicas.

  11. Is this some distorted American question? Like, „your country is so small, surely you know that one specific thing“?

  12. Why the fuck would i know anything about harmonicas?? Harmonicas aint even like some cool thing like guns where you can flex ur knowledge iykwim

  13. Yes, it’s taught in schools, we have TV specials and there are semi-official holidays relating to harmonica history. It’s quite a big part of German every-day culture.

  14. I have a couple of Seydel, but mostly use Hohner Marine Band. I don’t think the average German knows or cares about the history.

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