The agreement was not approved. Just under half of the members voted in favor. "After an open and very thorough debate, we found insufficient support among our members to join a coalition with N-VA," the party said in a statement. "The members expressed great appreciation for the social and progressive draft government agreement that the negotiators were able to present. For too many members, however, the composition of the proposed coalition proved too great a stumbling block. Now that the right of initiative is being passed, Vooruit will continue to adopt a constructive attitude."
by tesrepurwash121810
What is going to happen now? I don’t see VLD forming a coalition with Groen. This is going to be interesting to follow.
Well, guess forcing a coalition from the national level onto the local chapters can backfire.
Wow, not even 50% voted pro… The Vooruit negotiators must be really out of touch with their own members thinking that this would fly…
En nu gaat die kartellijst barsten en dan zit het helemaal in het slop. Gent de voorbeeldstad lol
noo who had guessed that…
I love democracy
Now just need VLD congress to vote against a coalition with Groen for some extra spicy Belgian Politics
I’m so happy. Not for any particular political reason, it’s just funny.
Hoeveel zetels van Voor Gent zitten bij Vooruit? Stel dat die zouden afscheuren en bij Groen aansluiten veronderstel ik te weinig, maar met CD&V erbij?
Ik duim voor Groen-NVA-CD&V.
On a side note what cities have not formed a coalition yet?
This is the result I was hoping for. Not that I’m against nva or pro groen. But just to see that kartellijst blow up in their faces.
I always think those kartellijsten are a crappy way of doing politics and give the voter less options just in the hope to get a better outcome.
Dus twee man en een paardenkop zijn blijkbaar tegen een coalitiepartner puur omwille van ideologische redenen zonder over het inhoudelijke te discussiëren. Goed nieuws voor de andere 270.000 inwoners.
Waarom hebben we nog volksvertegenwoordigers en representatieve democratie als de partijleden een bestuursakkoord kunnen blokkeren?
What is this exactly?
Don’t stay very informed on politics lately
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