People paid $50,000 to reserve Tesla’s new Roadster nearly 7 years ago. Its launch date remains a mystery.

by BikkaZz

  1. What does the tc says about this term? 50k on 7 years at some decent interest rates can be half the reserve deposits

  2. “During Tesla’s third-quarter earnings call,

    Elon Musk thanked the “long-suffering deposit holders,” many of whom paid $50,000 in 2017 to reserve the much-delayed electric sports car.

    Musk said the new Roadster hasn’t come out yet because “it’s the cherry on the icing on the cake” — and there are “other projects taking precedence before its launch.”

    This happens across his businesses,” Bourne said. “He talks about great, grand plans that take a long time to materialize or don’t necessarily materialize,”

    Tesla’s promised Roadster is a new version of the company’s first-ever vehicle, a limited-production sports car released between 2008 and 2012.

    The only way to do something that’s cooler than the Cybertruck is to combine SpaceX and Tesla technology to create something that’s not even really a car,” Musk said in the interview.

    He once said the Cybertruck would be able to float and operate as a boat for short periods of time. It launched with the ability to wade through water up to 30 inches……..(but never ever the car wash!……🌧..or rain ☔️)

    – – – – –

    It’s ‘almost like ‘ the Sudafrican illegal immigrant little f.Elon the welfare queen thieving from our taxpayers money handouts is a con artist selling Americans workers jobs and future out…..🤢🐗🔥

    But Tesla’s fanboys insist their new daddy the convicted felon rapist is sooo ‘pro business ‘…..😭

  3. Hmm, I’m surprised he didn’t make a new claim about it. He already said it would be able to fly a couple years ago

  4. Haha, that’s when Elon hadn’t started to get Putin’s money and still had a positive image in public for the most part.

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