Ukrainian drones hit a russian alcohol distillery tonight in Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh Oblast

by Exotic-Strawberry667

  1. Sources:

    Ukrainian drones reportedly hit a Russian alcohol distillery tonight in Novokhopyorsk, Voronezh Oblast. The facility is burning.

    A drone has tonight hit a factory in the Voronezh region of #Russia. The regional governor claims about 10 UAVs were stopped by air defences, but at least one either hit directly (likely) or fell on an industrial plant. It’s understood the plant hit (by at least one drone) produces (distils) rocket fuel. It’s now clear two items have been hit in Voronezh region. The #Novokhopersk facility may have been hit again. 50km away the Anninsky distillery is thought to be the second target struck by Ukraine’s drones.

    Ukraine keeps on targeting the most sacred of Russian traditional family values. Ukrainian drones attacked the “Ethanol Spirt” distillery in the Voronezh region for the second time in a week. The regional authorities reported the interception of 10 drones by air defense and electronic warfare


  2. Is this Ukraine’s strategy for hitting alcohol distilleries in Russia?
    The Russians finally sober up and out of humility pull out of Ukraine? Or the Russians sober up and have mass civil unrest?

  3. Guys guys, although it would be funny that they blew it up to disrupt vodka supplys and thus initializing next great Russian revolution, but it made rocket fuel… so double win ? 🙂

  4. it’s even funnier the 3rd time:

  5. I sense a great disturbance in the force. As if millions of alcoholics suddenly cried out in pain and were suddenly silenced.

  6. Lest my eyes fool me I believe one of the storage tanks decided to compete in the famous ruzzian turret toss competition, and no doubt will claim discrimination if it is not allowed entry for this rather well done effort.

  7. Bring them to their feet!! Can you imagine living in that hellhole without being drunk out of your fucking mind

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