
About these reports:

As part of CCCM’s core mandate, Site Management partners routinely collect and refer community feedback through interagency coordination structures. The collection, referral and resolution of community feedback is a core commitment of the humanitarian sector towards accountability and enabling efficient responses. This report summarizes the quarterly trends in collected feedback across the participating agencies’ operational presence. The report focuses on how community feedback is managed and the outcomes across key sectors activated in a response where the Zite Manager platform is implemented. All community feedback related to service provision collected and referred is reflected in this report, including feedback and operational issues related to Site Management actors. The Zite Manager Programme supports Site Management partners with this process by providing a data management & processing tool, training materials and technical advice to support their operation and analysis.

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Yemen: Community Feedback & Referral Analysis

Within Yemen, IOM implements site management programming across 91 IDP sites with support from USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance and EU Humanitarian Aid. This quarter, 37 Site Management staff received feedback. During the Third Quarter of 2024, IOM Yemen witnessed the influx of more than 1,380 HHs to its managed sites across the four

governorates of target. The majority of IDPs who previously resided in unmanaged sites in the governorate joined Marib IDP sites.

Engagement: 3,677 tickets received this quarter. This is a relative decrease of 31% compared to the 5,327 received last quarter. Of the total feedback, SNFI (38%), CCCM (33%), and RRM & Cash (13%) received the most.

The People: 16% of feedback was submitted by women. This represented a relative increase of 23% in women’s participation compared to the last quarter. Representatives from vulnerable households submitted 21% of the total feedback received.

Resolution: 18% of the 5,994 completed referrals were reported resolved by service providers. This is a relative decrease of 31% in feedback resolution compared to last quarter. Another 74% received responses from providers could not be resolved. The top reasons feedback could not be resolved were ‘Lack of Funds’, ‘Not Eligible’, and ‘Unreachable’.

Expiration: 8% of the 5,994 completed referrals went unresponded. Service providers were relatively 56% more likely to respond to community feedback than last quarter. WASH had the highest rate of expiry (30%) compared to SNFI, which had the lowest rate of expiry (6%).