Doctor who urinated in hospital sink struck off

by Tartan_Samurai

  1. >It was also found Dr Holmes had deliberately failed to comply with conditions placed on his registration over six weeks while working for the Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust in 2021.

    >The regulator said that was deliberate and the “most serious” element of his misconduct

    So, struck off for not complying with conditions.

    It doesn’t say if these conditions included not pissing in the sink or other things.

  2. Regressing back to his student hall days. They put in a sink in your room, but the toilet it all the way down the hall.

  3. OK, story time (because I really don’t actually believe they struck him off for that)

    I worked with a doctor who thought all the patient buzzers were disturbing his sleep. So he removed ceiling tiles and just started cutting wires – we all found this out when a patient arrested at 9 am and the crash bell didn’t work.

    None of the crash bells worked.

    As he is wandering back in the next night shift, he sees all of the firemen (we were considering evacuation due to how unsafe it was) and points them to the cut wires.

    Where they discover he cut a mains cable.

    One of the firemen nearly punched him because apparently we were lucky the building was not on fire.

    Anyways – that junior doctor is now a consultant anaesthetic doctor at a hospital I won’t name (unless you dm me and are a journalist to help be wistle blow in silence)


    That’s how little the medical staff are heald accountable – if it was just pissing in the sink, he would have been fine.

    Edit : I have discovered the GMC only keep the decisions public for 12 months, so I won’t be able to provide the non-believers the evidence – this has clearly upset some people, I thought it would just be a funny anecdote, sorry 😬 to the people messaging me – no I won’t be giving out his name to a random redditer, I wanna keep my licence too ta.

  4. The hot & cold running toilet? Perfect if the actual toilet is a 2am walk down a cold corridor.

  5. i’d rather have a sink-pisser as a doctor than a couple of the arseholes i’ve had in the past who blatantly lie and have zero bedside manner (obvious disclaimer that not all doctors are arseholes by a margin)

  6. A hearing also found he told a woman that she needed a CT scan “to see if she had a brain”, or words to that effect.

    Lmao dude was fucking done.

  7. Usual story template:

    Headline: Person X convicted of minor crime Y.

    Text: Person X also did crimes Z, W, V, and U.

    As in:

    Headline:Protestor who posted joke on Facebook sent to prison.

    Text: he also set fire to a hotel.

  8. Strangely I was told to shit in a sink in an Italian hospital. They got a step and everything. No one was struck off.

    I won’t go too far into details other than saying if you’re in Rome in summer, make sure you drink more and eat less pizza 🙂

  9. Doctor here. Fuck this guy.

    “A hearing also found he told a woman that she needed a CT scan “to see if she had a brain”, or words to that effect.”

    What an embarrassment to the profession.

  10. >A hearing also found he told a woman that she needed a CT scan “to see if she had a brain”, or words to that effect.

    The words of a man who’s had enough of the general public’s shite, IV definitely said something like that before, but I think as a doctor you need to keep that in the staff room.

  11. Pissing in the sink was only ONE issue.

    And it’s not like he was so overworked and the toilets were shut that he had to piss in a sink…he just decided to piss in a sink while pouring away his drink.

    There were a series of issues.

    And the guy has bounced from hospital to hospital for years…with bad reviews following him.

    He got restrictions on his registration (I think that means his medical license) – and he failed to comply with them.

    It sounds like he has issues following rules and generally has a shitty attitude to work.

    Good riddance.

  12. I was hospitalised yesterday and nearly did this, I was left alone with zero instruction on where to pee. everything else about my visit was pretty perfect, I could hear other patients had similar issues so shocking to me that they don’t just add a policy to say “over there are the piss pans”

    although I’d still need a call button because I’d gone through the single and needed two (nearly three) more by the end, v strange

    btw, instead of peeing in the sink I left my room to find someone, which I was chastised for…

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