I’ll never watch another episode of Dr Phil, or any other show that has him in it!
Dr. Bullshit
Thanks Oprah:( phil and oz
Dr. Phil is a Trumpanzee?
I never did like that guy.
Holy shit…he was there?? Fucking gross.
Who else was at this racist scumbag shit show?
EDIT: yeah I could Google, but I refuse to give any link about this traffic.
Dr Shill
I believe in equality of opportunity, not necessarily equality of outcome. That said, DEI absolutely has a role to play in a multicultural society like America. Honestly, this nonsense from an old white guy who’s only famous because of a magical black woman.
“this country was built on hard work, added value and talent. Not on equal outcome, not on DEI, this country was built on hard work,” the TV personality told the MSG crowd.
Yup… he forgot that this country was actually built by the blood of slaves and immigrants. Wow.
Well, the “Dr.” was right that the country was not built on DEI, but he forgot to mention it was built on the hard work of slaves and indentured workers.
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Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.huffpost.com/entry/naacp-dr-phil-america-hard-work-trump-msg-rally_n_671f0b5fe4b0448bcdb1f371](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/naacp-dr-phil-america-hard-work-trump-msg-rally_n_671f0b5fe4b0448bcdb1f371)**
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Didnt phil get his medical license revoked lol
I’ll never watch another episode of Dr Phil, or any other show that has him in it!
Dr. Bullshit
Thanks Oprah:( phil and oz
Dr. Phil is a Trumpanzee?
I never did like that guy.
Holy shit…he was there?? Fucking gross.
Who else was at this racist scumbag shit show?
EDIT: yeah I could Google, but I refuse to give any link about this traffic.
Dr Shill
I believe in equality of opportunity, not necessarily equality of outcome. That said, DEI absolutely has a role to play in a multicultural society like America. Honestly, this nonsense from an old white guy who’s only famous because of a magical black woman.
“this country was built on hard work, added value and talent. Not on equal outcome, not on DEI, this country was built on hard work,” the TV personality told the MSG crowd.
Yup… he forgot that this country was actually built by the blood of slaves and immigrants. Wow.
Well, the “Dr.” was right that the country was not built on DEI, but he forgot to mention it was built on the hard work of slaves and indentured workers.
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