NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte confirmed North Korean troops have moved to Russia’s Kursk region, calling it a “significant escalation.” He noted this reflects Putin’s “desperation” after losing over 600,000 soldiers in the war

by Exotic-Strawberry667

  1. Ok so they escalated let’s go above our current level too then yes???? Stop letting the illegal invader dictate the rules!

  2. Can’t strike Russian targets inside Russia with US weapons, but I didn’t hear anything about North Korean targets inside Russia.

  3. It’s about time we bombed the absolute shit out of them then, isn’t it?

    Instead we have the head of the UN bowing to Putin in Russia. He didn’t go to Ukraine’s conference for Peace but was more than happy to go and felate Putin in Russia’s BRICs summit. Disgusting.

  4. Lease a cargo ship to the Ukrainians, let Samsung turn it into a arsenal rocket carrier ship, sail to Pyongyang, launch.

  5. Rhetoric that this shows Putins “desperation” is harmfull, it’s shows that Putin can break any line without consequences.

    Because, no one in Ukraine feels that Putin is desperate

  6. So Russia keeps escalating and breaking laws, but god forbid Ukraine uses the wrong weapons to hit too hard.

    W the actual F is wrong with people…

  7. So is that it , NATO is now watching Ukraine take on Russia and North Korea and all NATO has done is to air its concerns…. Unless I’m missing something badly what the fuck 😬😬

  8. Russians are going to use them as meat waves. They will die. There will be blood and gore on telegram. Kim gets a rollercoaster and some missile tech. That will be the end if that.

  9. Ok guys it’s time to stop fucking “calling upon them” to stop and make them stop. It’s obvious where this is going, it’s inevitable.

  10. 3 minutes of confirmation of a fact that everyone already knew, essentially a long version of the phrase “deep concern”.

    There will be no appropriate actions, nothing will change, we will present all this as despair and devalue the problem.

    russia received new reserves of people, crossed another red line, postponed the necessity of forced mobilization that would damage the economy.

    Ukraine received new enemies, new deaths, and for more than a year has been fighting with a shortage of everything.

    If someone thinks that these 10,000 are the problem, then no, as was the case with the Shaheds, this is the first batch, russia will establish a system for their training, optimize interaction, and such deliveries may well become regular.

    And even 8-12 thousand every month, this is a 30% increase in problems for the entire Ukrainian army.

  11. North Korean soldiers about to have a drone fly over head lose their fucking mind…. Gonna be a shit day when they meet the T1 groups over there 😂😂😂

  12. I think it is time to do a lend Lease operation with Ukraine. I’m sure we can find voluntold volunteers to fly a Ukrainian flag on an attack submarine, and other vessels. Take out all their oil tankers in their “Ghost Fleet.”

    Quietly mine all of North Korea harbours, and the Russian fleet in the Kamchatka peninsula along with all their anchorages. Make Russia have to use nothing but rail lines to move anything. Then systematically start chopping those rail systems up.

  13. Oh Boy we’re gonna monitor this shit so hard Putin would have wished not to invite NK to this succulent supper. Watch us watching you Pootin.

  14. Shadow storm missiles were used in Kursk and it wasn’t the end of the world. Tired of this appeasement, US could turn the russian troops in Ukraine into dust with those fancy F35, it would be faster, cheaper and easier for everyone

  15. “The EU is greatly alarmed by the conditions in Ukraine and will continue to ask America for its support.”

  16. At Russia’s current loss rate, 3000 DPRK troops will be gone in 2 days 3 tops.

  17. If the UN fought NK, and the armistice is still in place, isn’t this an escalation of the Korean war and shouldn’t the UN take action? (I’m speaking almost in satire here. We know the UN is all but useless now)

  18. The source on those lost troops is literally the Ukrainian military. It’s like using Russian sources on Ukrainian casualties. The reason Putin want to use foreign fighters is that the longer he can push using wider conscription amongst western Russians the longer he can keep support for the war up. It has nothing to do with Russia losing anything close to 600k soldiers.

    The uncomfortable truth is that Ukraine is using mass conscription and is still steadily losing territory on all fronts, they’ve lost about half of what they gained in the Kursk offensive and have been pushed into and lost several towns on the eastern front.

  19. Imagine how normal Russians must feel seeing that their dear leader needs malnourished North Koreans to defend them because he’s so bad at his job that he can’t do it.

  20. The crazy part is that a battalion of North Korean soldiers went AWOL near the UKR border and the Russians have been hunting for them.

  21. 600,000 is insane casualty rate by todays standards. Talk about paper tigers. If the US would just let Ukraine utilise their weapons inside Russia instead of focusing on vote points than Ukraine could do some serious damage….more than what there always done to Russia

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