Possible hint that some North Koreans have already been captured?

by C1138P

  1. Good, Then they will get more food and health care they would never get in North Korea or Russia alone

  2. It would be interesting to see how any Koreans are willing to be volunteers – that is, if the government of Ukraine would actually accept them.

  3. What is it with people in dictatorships like Russia, China and North Korea and their leaders?!!!?

    Imagine you always have pictures of Scholz, Macron or Biden hanging above your bed, in the kitchen, in the hallway…..

  4. How would a prisoners swap be for the North koreas, I highly doubt Russia would swap Ukrainian hero’s for these cannon fodder

  5. I don’t think this is a hint at all. It’s almost certainly aimed at NK soldiers who might surrender as it suggests that they can do so without being traitors to their great leader. I really don’t think that any actual soldiers will be taken carrying pristine 8×10 photos.

  6. Now UA needs to start the psychological exploitation of the inability of the orc’s to understand NK language. Use loud speakers in the area to entice the NK to defect over to Ukraine, with the promise of being treated fairly, given food and possibility to claim asylum.

  7. I hope they have SKorean experts advising them on how to go about dealing with them. They are almost as much victims as Ukrainians are. Victims in their own country from starvation, malnourishment, brainwashing, sent to die in a foreigner’s war, and family held hostage so they dont flee or get captured.

    As much as I want to see interviews with them, its not worth their relatives being murdered or the inevitable firing squad when they get back under nk control in a prisoner swap.

    russians I couldnt give a care – they willfully steer their own doomed ship. But these guys are born victims with no chance in life but to follow someone else’s orders to kill or die, and be grateful for the chance to do it in kim jong fatty’s name.

  8. Who posted this? I think they wouldn’t have gear if captured, or is this an assumption of a fellow Russian comrade who posted this?

  9. Ukraine should do the same thing they did earlier in the war, anyone who surrenders gets some kind of lump sum + asylum.

  10. Just have big ass speakers at the front line, with one sentence in Korean.
    “We have a 6-course dinner, for everyone who surrenders!”

    North Koreans be like, ‘One week of food in a single dinner? Hell yeah!’

  11. This is going to end very badly for them.

    But as we know, Dictators aren’t really known for giving one single fuck about their people.

  12. They are probably good as dead, I cannot see how the north will accept them back after being captured

  13. Hadn’t occurred to me that crappy North Korean troops might not only get massacred, but also quickly become POWs for exchange fund replenishment. Maybe the West should just offer up a green card to any troops that surrender instead of fighting.

  14. Imagine me going to war and carrying a picture of kier starmer or King charles. What a strange world

  15. Wonder what they’re worth in a prisoner exchange. Imagine NK wants them back asap so they don’t get a feel for a better life as a POW.

  16. This will be so good for them south. Korea lready said they would take them all in and they automatically get free nationality there

  17. They were dead the minute they got those orders to deploy. Even if they survived combat there no way they would’ve ever been allowed to integrate back into North Korean society.

  18. They need to have a few South Koreans on staff to help deprogram captured North Korean troops.

  19. Let the south koreans interview them and release them to SK after the war. Doubt Russia or Kim wants them back.

  20. Probably not showing thoer face so they can slip away to a life of freedom in the west…..this would literally be the quickest way to empty the ranks of North Koreans that got sent….offer them amnesty and escape

  21. These boys only have 2 speeds in combat. Move forward or get shot by the blocking unit. This can’t be easy for them knowing that the NoKo Army are holding their families hostage in case they stop moving forward.

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