I’m confused…

Posted by Hot_Mess_Express

  1. It is a fantasy term. They all want to think they are alpha males. But there can only be one alpha male that all the beta males follow.

    Now the alpha male they have picked to follow wears more makeup than Bozo the Clown, high heels, and dyes his own hair. He cheats at golf. He has never done an honest day’s work, never any manual labor, and was recently seen in a McDonald’s kitchen being absolutely fascinated by the fry station – because he has never been in a kitchen before.

    That is their manly man. His real claim to masculinity is he was born with money and has used it to make others miserable, so they worship him.

    There are no other alpha males in MAGA. All of the rest, ALL of them, are betas and they bow to the one.

  2. Silly girl! Bitch implies that one is responsible for having a paying job, doing all household chores and making any male within a mile feel that he is the king of the world! “Whiny asshat” is the term! Embrace it!

  3. the rule is that once you subjugate yourself to a whiney, unmanly liar like trump, you can no longer be an “Alpha male.”

  4. They really do spend the majority of their time just complaining and whining about every damn thing.

  5. I’ve never met a self described “Alpha” who conducts themselves any other way.

    Professional victims.

  6. Also means person that must get ahead of you on the highway at all cost, in their jacked up 4×4, that gets 8 miles to the gallon, while rolling coal and complaining about gas prices.

  7. Exactly what it means. Anybody still using that term is actually a closeted homosexual…not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  8. “Alpha Males” have also started calling themselves “Stoics” because they *completely* misunderstand the entire concept of Stocism as a philosophy.

    Fucking morons.

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