Without migration, the population of high-income countries would shrink

Posted by simonvanteutem

  1. For the millionth time.

    Yes. But that is NOT a bad thing. It is natural for population to vary as a sine wave.

  2. Rich and privileged people need to start fucking and popping out babies much much more.

    That’s clearly the problem

  3. Without immigration, farms, meatpacking plants and construction work will come to a halt. Food prices will go way up and state infrastructure will deteriorate with less workforce to do jobs that a lot of people either don’t want to do (back breaking work) or feel like they are above (even though they might work at McDonalds for far less).

  4. What’s the difference between migration and immigration, or is “migration” now just a euphemism for “immigration” in a silly attempt to fool stupid people?

  5. We need to prepare for robotics and AI in our near future taking over many jobs. We won’t need immigration the same way we did in the past. Then we need to tax corps that make money off robotics and AI to help bring back lost income tax revenues.

  6. This would lead to lower competition for scarce resources like housing, and higher wages, since the supply of labor would decrease.

  7. More immigrants coming into a country also makes the cost of living higher, which can in turn push down birth rates. We don’t actually know what would have happened without migration.

  8. I feel like this is common knowledge now.

    For the first time in human history women (at least in developed countries) truly get to choose whether or not to have children, and as it turns out, many women are choosing not to have children.

    Unless and until wealthy countries figure out how to make having children radically more appealing to women, their birth rates are going to continue to decline.

  9. So, then, if there is net migration out of the country, the population of high-income countries would NOT shrink, since this would still be migration!

  10. Still not valid to swarm our country with foreigners who don’t share our values, culture, customs. The worst thing you can do is import a bunch of people who have no real value other than “we need them to inflate our population”. It will be nice when the baby boomers die off so they can’t live off our taxes, why would we import people who are going to leech off the system

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