What does everyone think of the new parking card for worker's vehicles so that they can park without restrictions on trottoir and in no-parking zones from 2025 in Zurich?

Personally I think this will make using the trottoir more difficult for people with disabilities (wheelchairs or blind) and pushing children in prams and is a strange change to make when the city is trying to reduce cars. It also seems very cheap in my opinion. What do you all think?

"Eine neu eingeführte sogenannte erweiterte Gewerbeparkkarte, mit der etwa auch auf Trottoirs und in Fahrverbotszonen parkiert werden darf, soll für in der Stadt Zürich ansässige Handwerks- und Servicebetriebe 1200 Franken pro Jahr kosten " in https://www.20min.ch/story/zuerich-tesla-suv-kostet-715-fr-anwohnerparkkarten-sollen-teurer-werden-103203652

by postmodernist1987

1 comment
  1. Might be a way to get rid of some more blue zone street parking as the usual argument of the car lobby is: BuT wHaT aBoUt hAnDyMeN aNd DeLiVeRiEs?

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