Not interested in being political, but that's pretty funny

by wascallywabbit666

  1. Honestly lost all respect for her when she ran for both the sente and the parliament in the same year whole holding the mantle of Lord Major.

    (Firm believer of any elected official needs to resign their position before they can run for another, this also saves the tax payer money as both positions can be filled on the same ballot)

  2. She has been using that slogan for years. TBH I am not a fan and have always thought she as a bit of an opportunist.

  3. Remember when a Simpson Facebook page got her elected and she immediately shit all over them by voting for pro landlord legislation.

  4. You know.

    I’m not a fan of the expensive petrol.

    I am a fan of a political sign that’s actually earnestly amusing, non-snarky and made me smile for the first time in a long time.

    I’m torn.

  5. Green voter, cannot stand Chu, not a hope she’d ever get my vote 

    A divisive shit stirrer, completely shameless

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