Spotted in Switzerland.

by GazelleMany5548

  1. Cute advert but curling is a brilliant sport in its own right, this feels like comparing apples and oranges.

  2. That’s an ad for a big Swiss online shop. The small sentence at the bottom right says “Almost everything for almost everyone”. Is that a hurling bat? (Sorry if that’s the wrong word). Looks like they’re selling it for 48 Swiss Francs. Is that a good price?

  3. If you ever find yourself stuck in Switzerland, give Basel GAA or Zurich GAA a shout!

  4. I know it’s just in jest but you don’t have to put other sports down to try promote your own. Why’s curling out here catching strays?

  5. Someone was telling me there is an area in France where hurling is on the curriculum of a lot of schools in that region. I’m near certain it was hurling but maybe I’m misremembering and it was football but it was definitely one or the other.

  6. I’ve a cousin who is a rugby sports physio down in South Africa couching a hurling team. My partners half brother was helping couch a team over in NY before moving to Toronto to couch his own team.

    It’s definitely growing more and more popular globally.

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