Sounds About Right…..

Posted by Bertiers_Moma

  1. He gonna be in a world of hurt when the ACA gets repealed. You can tell he doesn’t remember the days when insurance companies could deny you coverage for pre-existing conditions….he IS the poster child

  2. Sadly, this truly sums up the intelligence of most Republicans who live in welfare states or other states on a disability income. This is literally how ignorant and uninformed they are!

  3. In his case. it seems to be about his firearm that he lovingly cradles in the picture. I know a lot of democratic voters that love their 2nd amendment rights. It’s not just a Republican thing.

  4. He could get his diabetes under control by eating less, and he could get his guns under control by removing the firing pins. Pew. Pew.

  5. They throw shady comments about anything- yesterday they blamed invasive mosquito species
    ‘ oN tHe BoRdEr ‘
    As ‘ Those Mexi-Can Skeeters are taking OWR Jaubs!
    They are taking jobs from ‘ Amurican Mosquitos! ‘
    ( spits in patoon )

  6. The meme actually describes the typical Half Baked Marxist / Commie Dem…O…Demon nut job. The only thing missing is the meme saying he’s a Trans woman. And that the Government Medicaid supplies him with a daily over dose of Xanax pills to help with all the anxiety the standard Dem…O…Demon nut has. Anxiety over FAKE Climate Crisis. Anxiety over what gender they are. Anxiety over a dam joke.

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